IMG 1010 - Timing Synchronization Priority List

IMG 1010 - Timing Synchronization Priority List


Under the Physical IMG Name object the Timing Synchronization Priority List can be created. The Timing Synchronization Priority List object displays a list of all the different clock sources that a T1/E1 clock source can be synchronized to. Below is an explanation of each of the timing reference points and how they are configured. The Timing Synchronization Priority List object defines the priority that the IMG will use to get a clock source from a T1/E1 DS-1. The priority can be modified at any time as described below.

Accessing this Pane

Dialogic IMG EMS -> Logical IMG -> Physical IMG -> Timing Synchronization Priority List

Maximum Objects

1 Timing Synchronization Priority List can be created under the Physical IMG node object

Related Topics

IMG 1010 - Configuring a Synchronization Priority List

IMG 1010 - Network Timing

Timing Synchronization ClientView Pane:

Field Descriptions

The priority which the IMG will use the timing ports is generated here. The priority is shown from left to right. The leftmost entry gets the highest or First priority and then the priority decreases as you move to the right. If you double click in the "User Specified" field the pop up screen below will appear. In the dialog box below the entries can be moved up or down to define the priority. Highlight which entry to move and select the Up or Down button and the entry will move accordingly. Highest priority in this screen is the top entry and priority descends as you move down the list. See screen capture below.

Below is an explanation of each timing reference and how the IMG uses them.

The Primary and Secondary Reference designators on Signaling0 and Signaling1 port uses a loop timing source such as T1 or E1. It will not accept an external clock source such an atomic clock. The IMG can get its timing from only a T1/E1 signaling type timing source.

  • Primary Reference --> Primary Reference is designated to the DS-1 of the Signaling/Timing interface 0. The reference designator Primary Reference is hard-coded to this port. The timing source does not need to be configured. Connect a DS-1 to this interface and the IMG will automatically synchronize with the T1 or E1 loop timing source. If a loop timing source is connected to this interface it will be designated as Primary Reference. The Primary Reference Timing selection can be moved up or down the priority list as desired.

  • Secondary Reference --> Secondary Reference is designated to the DS-1 of the Signaling/Timing interface 1. The reference designator Secondary Reference is hard-coded to this port. The timing source does not need to be configured. Connect a DS-1 to this interface and the IMG will automatically synchronize with the T1 or E1 loop timing source. If a loop timing source is connected to this interface it will be designated as Secondary Reference. The Secondary Reference Timing selection can be moved up or down the priority list as desired.

  • Primary Loop -->  Primary Loop timing can be configured on any DS-1 other than the DS-1's used for Primary and Secondary Reference timing described above. To configure, select the Bearer Span object. In the Object Table at bottom of pane, select one of the DS-1's. Right click and select Set Primary. Once the timing source is set, the Primary Loop selection in the Timing Synchronization Priority List can be moved up or down the priority list as desired.

  • Secondary Loop --> Secondary Loop timing can be configured on any DS-1 other than the DS-1's used for Primary and Secondary Reference timing described above. To configure, select the Bearer Span object. In the Object Table at bottom of pane, select one of the DS-1's. Right click and select Set Secondary. Once the timing source is set, the Secondary Loop selection in the Timing Synchronization Priority List can be moved up or down the priority list as desired.

  • Free Running --> The Free Running source is the clock source generated internally. It is not recommended that the Free Running source be used as an external clock source used to time the network. The Free Running source is used as a backup source in the event all network timing sources have failed. The Free running timing source should always be configured as the last selection in the Timing Synchronization Priority List.

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