Software Upgrade - EMS System

Software Upgrade - EMS System



Since release 2.3.0 SP2 (Build, the IMG 2020 EMS host installer package uses RPM instead of the InstallAnywhere tool. Refer to the end of this page for specific instruction related to the previous installation method

Software Upgrade (EMS System using RPM Package) 

The procedure below describes the steps required to upgrade EMS software running on the Virtual Machine using RPM package. Once the EMS software running on the Virtual Machine is upgraded, each of the individual nodes communicating with the upgraded EMS software must then also be upgraded. The EMS software version and the system software version running on the individual nodes must both match.

Follow the steps below to upgrade both the EMS (using RPM Package) and system software.

Please backup dialogic directory before upgrading using RPM package as precautionary measures.

Obtain the host EMS RPM Package and system software files

The upgrade procedure will require downloading the latest version of the two software

  • IMG-2020 System Software
    bdn2020_ver230xxx.bin (xxx=build number)

  • EMS Software
    webuid-2.3.0-xxx-Linux.rpm (xxx=build number)

Transfer and Install Host file to the Virtual Machine

  • To upgrade the EMS installation on the Virtual Machine, the webuid-2.3.0-xxx-Linux.rpm file must first be transferred and then installed

  • Currently you are logged in as a dialogic profile user. Become a superuser by entering the following commands:

[dialogic@localhost ~]$ su Password: Dial0gic (Capital D, zero for o) [root@localhost ftpBuilds]#
  • Search installed rpm by running following command

[root@localhost ftpBuilds]# rpm -qa | grep webuid webuid-2.3.0-72.i686
  • Now uninstall RPM Package using following command (replace package name below with the package shown in the previous step)

[root@localhost ftpBuilds]$ rpm -e webuid-2.3.0-72.i686
  • From the /home/dialogic/ftpBuilds directory, install the EMS Software. Follow the installation instructions in the SSH screen to install.

If upgrading from version 2.3.1 (or later) to a more recent version, it is no longer necessary to remove the current rpm package. It is possible to use the -U option to upgrade the package. Assuming the EMS version is already installed and we want to upgrade to version then we can do the following:

rpm -Uvh webuid-2.3.2-2-Linux.rpm

  • See below RPM installation logs screen shot.

  • After the installation has completed, the user is automatically logged out of the Web GUI. Log back into the Web GUI. The Web GUI application will automatically grab the latest configuration file through the boot.xml file and populate itself into the Web UI.

  • Logged into the Web UI, click on each of the IMG 2020 nodes in the configuration tree. The field labeled Connection State located in the Physical Node object will display there is a Version Mismatch between the software loaded on the Physical Node (IMG-2020) and the software running the Web UI. Refer to screen capture below.

  • To upgrade the software on the individual node, click on the “Push Configuration and Reset IMG 2020” button at the bottom of the IMG 2020 Physical Node object pane. Select Yes to the Button Confirmation dialogic box that appears. Repeat the same procedure for each IMG-2020 node. At this point, the nodes will reset and load the newest software. During the reset process, the updated software will load and each node will get re-configured.

  •  After the IMG 2020 nodes have reset, loaded the updated software, and synced with the EMS, the Connection State field will change to the following:

Software Upgrade - EMS/System (old method)

The procedure below describes the steps required to upgrade the individual node software as well as the EMS software running on the Virtual Machine. Once the EMS software running on the Virtual Machine is upgraded, each of the individual nodes communicating with the upgraded EMS software must then also be upgraded. The EMS software version and the system software version running on the individual nodes must both match. Follow the steps below to upgrade both the EMS and system software.

Notes on Upgrade

  • When upgrading to a new point release such as going from software release 2.2 to 2.3 the current license file will need to be removed, archived, and a new license for the upgraded build must be loaded. Failure to load a new license could result in the IMG 2020 not configuring after the upgrade has completed.

Obtain the Host EMS and System Software Files

  • The upgrade procedure will require downloading the latest version of the two software files from Sangoma BBS (Bulletin Board System). Follow the instructions below.

Obtain system software from Sangoma BBS (Bulletin Board System)

  • Go to Manuals.

  • SelectIMG 2020

  • For login information, refer to the welcome letter e-mailed after purchase of product or contact Sangoma Support http://support.sangoma.com/ for information on getting a login username and password.

  • Download the latest IMG 2020 software zip file. The zip file will contain the files displayed below.

System Software

  • bdn2020_ver230xxx.bin (xxx=build number)

EMS Softwarebdn

  • 2020_host_ver230xxx.bin (xxx=build number) 

Create Backup Configuration (.dat) File

Before starting the upgrade process, if a configuration file exists, it should be backed up. Follow the steps below and create a backup configuration (.dat) file and store it in a different directory. It is recommended that the configuration file be stored on a different server where the file cannot be lost.


  • Using the Web UI interface, save the latest configuration by clicking on the Save icon under the File tab. This will save the latest configuration to the SD Card as a .dat file. In this example the file was named: <myconfiguration.dat>

  • After saving the configuration, SFTP into the /opt/dialogic/export directory of the VM. Within this directory is the <myconfiguration.dat> file just saved. Transfer this file to a separate directory preferably a separate server or PC.

  • Rename the transferred file as <myconfiguration_bak_bxxx.dat (xxx=build number). This naming convention displays the configuration file is a backup file and was created on a specific build. This file can be used in the event a failure occurs where the original configuration file is either lost or corrupted.

Transfer and Install Host File to the Virtual Machine

To upgrade the EMS installation on the Virtual Machine, the bdn2020_host_ver230xxx.bin file must first be transferred and then installed. Follow steps below.

  • Using SFTP, login to the Virtual Machine using the login credentials displayed below.

Login Credentials

Username: dialogic 
Password: Dial0gic (Capital D, Zero for o)

  • Transfer the bdn2020_host_ver230xxx.bin file acquired from Sangoma BBS (Bulletin Board System) to the /home/dialogic/ftpBuilds directory of the Virtual Machine. When transferring the file, verify it is being transferred using the binary format.

  • Once transferred, the permissions of the file need to be modified. SSH into the Virtual Machine using the same credentials as above.

  • Modify the permissions by entering the following command:

  • Currently you are logged in as a dialogic profile user. Become a superuser by entering the following commands:

From the /home/dialogic/ftpBuilds directory, install the EMS Software. Follow the installation instructions in the SSH screen to install.

  • After the installation has completed, the user is automatically logged out of the Web GUI. Log back into the Web GUI. The Web GUI application will automatically grab the latest configuration file through the boot.xml file and populate itself into the Web UI.

  • Verify the EMS software has updated. As either a dialogic user or superuser, go to the /opt/dialogic/bin directory and verify the version of the DBSyncEntity is running the correct version.


  •  Log out of the root user profile by entering the exit command.

Transfer New System Software to Download Location

Once the updated EMS software has been installed into the VM, the individual IMG 2020 node software can be upgraded. Transfer the bdn2020_ver230xxx_id0201.bin file acquired from Sangoma BBS (Bulletin Board System) to the download location configured when first setting up the IMG 2020 to download software. To download the bdn2020_ver230xxx_id0201.bin software to the IMG 2020 nodes, the following two processes need to occur:

  • The software must be transferred to the download location (FTP Server or SD Card). -and-

  • The System Software Filename line in the bootup.cfg file on the SD Card must point to the new software.

Refer to the Software Install Overview (Single Node) topic for information on setting up the download location to send the correct software load to the IMG 2020 nodes.

Install the New Software into Each Node

At this point, the bdn2020_ver230xxx_id0201.bin file is ready to be installed on each of the individual IMG 2020 nodes. Follow the steps below to load the latest build of node software into each individual node. At this point, the user is logged into the Web GUI with the updated EMS software. The procedure will now describe how to update the individual IMG 2020 nodes. Follow instructions below.

  • Once logged into the Web UI, click on each of the IMG 2020 nodes in the configuration tree. The field labeled Connection State located in the Physical Node object will display there is a Version Mismatch between the software loaded on the Physical Node (IMG 2020) and the software running the Web UI. Refer to screen capture below.

  • To upgrade the software on the individual node, click on the Push Configuration and Reset IMG 2020 button at the bottom of the Physical Node object pane. Select Yes to the Button Confirmation dialogic box that appears. Reset each IMG 2020 node. At this point, the nodes will reset and load the newest software. During the reset process, the updated software will load and each node will get re-configured.

  • After the IMG 2020 nodes have reset, loaded the updated software, and synced with the EMS, the Connection State field will change to the following:

Notice that the Serial Number and Security ID are now populated. This is also an indication that the node is ready and communicating with the EMS software.

  • Verify each node has the correct software. Using SSH, connect to each node and login using the credentials displayed above. Once connected, enter the "b" command and verify the S/W Version: displayed is correct.

  • Verify all spans that were previously in service prior to the upgrade have returned to the in-service state.

  • Verify calls are being processed to all trunk groups.

  • Software upgrade is complete.

Optional: Typically the installation of software and reconfiguration/sync up of the nodes happens quickly. However, if the configuration is very large, the sync up could take some time. To verify that the reconfiguration and sync up process has finished, the user can use the tail -f command to view the maintenance_OAMPManager.pid-xxxx.log file (xxx = process number). This is accomplished by using SSH to connect to the VM and enter the following command:


This command will display the messaging going through the OAMPManager. The messaging will display the reset and re-configuration messaging of each node. Once the re-configuration messaging is complete, the messaging displayed below will continuously scroll by indicating the process is complete and the EMS software has connected and communicating with the individual nodes. If loading software from ftp server allow 1 to 2 minutes for download of software to complete and re-configuration to begin.

If loading from SD Card, allow 5-6 minutes before download of software is complete and re-configuration can begin.


  • After software has loaded into each node, click on the previously reset node and verify the serial number is displayed in the Serial Number field of the IMG 2020 object pane. This indicates the node is ready and communicating with the EMS software.

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