Software Install - FTP/SD Card



The procedure below describes how to set up an SD card and FTP server to download system software and license file to the IMG 2020. The procedure first sets up a user profile and then creates the directories required. Once the user profile and directories are created, the system software is then downloaded from Sangoma BBS (Bulletin Board System) and transferred into the directory created. A bootup.cfg file on the SD card tells the IMG 2020 where to go to retrieve the system software.

Once configured, the IMG 2020 boots from the SD card and retrieves both the IP address of the CTRL 0 interface on the IMG 2020 and the IP address of the FTP server. This information is all acquired from the bootup.cfg file. The bootup.cfg file also tells the IMG 2020 which directory the system software binary file is located. Once all this information has been transferred between the FTP server and IMG 2020, the IMG 2020 retrieves the system software binary file from the FTP server.

When choosing an FTP server, any server that has the required services can be used as the FTP server. If the user already has an FTP server in their network, that FTP server can be used. If the server with the EMS software was purchased through Sangoma, that server has all the services required so that server could be used as well. It is up to the user to decide which server will be used to download the software.

  • It is recommended but not required that the SD card be formatted using the FAT 32 file system.

  • The procedures below can be utilized if the FTP server being configured is running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2. If running an operating system other than Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2 then it is up to the administrator to know and set up the processes required to load the software to the IMG 2020. The procedures below in those instances can only be used as a template.

  • The license file is stored in the same location as the system software binary file.

  • If the IMG 2020 is set to boot from the SD card and a fault file occurs, the fault file will be saved on the SD card. If the FTP siaddr for the bootup.cfg file is set, then the fault file will also be transferred to this location.

Create User Profile on FTP Server

The FTP server being used must have a Sangoma profile configured on it. If the server being used for FTP was purchased from Sangoma, the Sangoma user profile and associated directories have already been created. Skip to the Download Software from Sangoma BBS (Bulletin Board System) section below if server has been purchased from Sangoma. Follow the next few steps to create the profile.

  • Login to the Linux machine as a root user.

  • As a root or superuser, create a group labeled dialogic. The example will create a group profile labeled dialogic in /home. Refer to example below.

[root@localhost ftpBuilds]# groupadd dialogic
  • Create a user labeled dialogic under the group dialogic.

useradd \-g dialogic dialogic
  • Add a password of Dial0gic to the user. \(Capital D, Zero for o)

[root@localhost etc]# passwd dialogic New password: <Dial0gic> Retype new password: <Dial0gic>
  • Verify the group and user got created by entering the following command.

  • Using SSH, log into the profile created by entering the appropriate credentials.

  • Within the /home/dialogic directory, a new directory labeled ftpBuilds should be created. Open a terminal window and go to /home/dialogic. Create the ftpBuilds directory as a dialogic user.

Download Software from Sangoma BBS (Bulletin Board System)

  • The IMG 2020 is shipped without software loaded on it. Obtain the latest version of software from Dialogic BBS (Bulletin Board System).

Obtain system software from Sangoma BBS (Bulletin Board System)

  • Go to Click on the Manuals and Downloads tab.

  • Click on the Download Product Software link.

  • Select IMG 2020 from drop down menu. On the page that appears, click onSupport Page (login required)link.* For login information, refer to the welcome letter e-mailed after purchase of product or contact Sangoma Sales and Support for information on getting a logon username and password.* Download the latest IMG 2020 software. Refer to the example below. This is the format of the file required.

bdn2020_ver230xxx_id0201.bin(xxx=build number) - System Software file

  • Transfer the system software file to the /home/dialogic/ftpBuilds directory created earlier.

  • To modify the information on the SD card, insert SD card into an SD reader/writer and connect to a PC.

  • The SD card is pre-configured with default information. Modify the information on the bootup.cfg file of the SD card to local network settings. The settings can be modified through an SD reader/writer. The following example below displays a bootup.cfg file for this process.



Any line beginning with the # symbol is a comment and is not processed by the IMG 2020.


  • Modify the value of the yiaddr parameter to the IP address assigned to the IMG 2020 being configured.

  • Modify the value of the subnet mask parameter to the subnet mask assigned to the IMG 2020 being configured.

  • Modify the value of the Gateway IP address (giaddr) line to the gateway address between the IMG 2020 and the FTP server.

  • When using the SD card to supply boot information but loading the software from the FTP server, the System Software Filename on the bootup.cfg file should be a path to the System Software file located on the ftp server. In this example, the load will be coming from an ftp server. Enter the path to the system software file. See example below.
    This example displays the BDN Version 2.3 Build 199:


This example displays the use of a symbolic link. The symbolic link makes it easier in the future to upgrade system software without having to modify the information on the SD card. Refer to the section in the Configure Server for DHCP/FTP topic for more information on configuring a symbolic link.


  • Edit the value of the Host Flag parameter. Add 32 to the host flag value since in this procedure we will be booting from the SD card.

Host Flag Values

32 = Boot from SD card, T1 system

34 = Boot from SD card, E1 system

Example: The following example below is of a T1 system booting from SD card. For more information, refer to the topic to follow the example. 


Host Flag Parameter


Boot from SD card

Add 32

T1 System

Add 00

Host Flag Value



  • Modify the siaddr to the IP address of the ftpserver that contains the IMG 2020 system software load.

  • The sname parameter is not currently used. Do not edit or delete or problems may occur

  • Save the bootup.cfg file and remove from SD card reader.

  • Insert the SD card into the SD slot on the front panel.

  • Power-Up the IMG 2020. The cooling fans within the unit will initially run at full speed and then slow down after software has loaded. The LED's on front panel will blink at a set pattern while software is loading. Once software has loaded, the LEDs will settle to a set state. The table below displays the sequence the LEDs go through during the loading process.

When loading software, the LED's on the front panel of the IMG 2020 are flashed in a specific sequence to display which function of the software loading procedure is being executed. See information below that describes the sequencing when loading software using just an SD card.





  • Power on the IMG 2020 and all the Span LEDs will flash red three times indicating the startup procedure is beginning.

  • If software is being loaded from the SD card Span1 and Span2 LED will light solid green for a few seconds.

  • If software is being loaded through use of FTP server, Span1 will light solid green for a few seconds.

  • Once software starts loading from FTP server, Span1 will stay lit a solid green. Spans 4, 5, 6, and 7 start scanning starting with Span 4. This indicates software is being loaded.

  • After software loads, the LEDs from Span1 to Span 7 all flash a solid green.

  • The IMG 2020 then begins using software by going to the starting address of the software. All LEDs go OFF for a few seconds while this occurs.

  • When the software loading is complete and ready to be configured, Span1 through Span7 LEDs will flash to indicate unit is ready for configuration.

The loading of software and configuring of network information is now complete. To connect to the IMG 2020, open a web browser and connect. Refer to the Web GUI - Functionality topic for information on how to connect to IMG 2020 through the supported browsers.



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