ISDN Circuit Group

ISDN Circuit Group



The ISDN Circuit Group is a collection of DS-1's and DS-0's that are configured by a user as a group of B Channels. These B Channel groups will all reside on one specific node. The ISDN Circuit Group object has a starting and ending DS-1/DS-0. Each DS-1/DS-0 combination is assigned a facility number and the IMG 2020 references them. To create an ISDN Circuit Group, right click on an ISDN Group object and select New ISDN Circuit Group. See below for more information.

The ISDN Circuit group needs to be configured in two places. The first is this object which is configured under the ISDN signaling stack. The second place is under the Channel Group object. Refer to the Related Topics and Dependencies section below.

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > IMG 2020  > Signaling  > ISDN D Channel > ISDN Group > New ISDN Circuit Group


Maximum Objects

Up to 480 B Channels can be configured per ISDN Circuit Group which is 480 B Channels per ISDN D Channel.

Related Topics and Dependencies

The ISDN B Channels are configured on existing DS-1's and DS-0'S previously configured. Verify the DS-1's and DS-0's configured are available and not being utilized by other functions.

ISDN Group

ISDN Circuit Group under Channel Group

Configure ISDN 

Field Descriptions

Start Span

The Start Span field has a drop down menu displaying all the DS-1's that are available. Select a DS-1 from the drop down menu. This will be the beginning DS-1 of the ISDN Circuit Group. B Channels can be configured on either the same DS-1 that the D-Channel was configured on or can be configured on a completely separate DS-1.

Start Channel

The Start Channel field has a drop down menu displaying all the available DS-1:DS-0's available. The DS-1/Span in the drop down menu of this field will begin with the DS-1 selected from the Start Span field above. Select from a drop down menu the first DS-0/Channel that will get configured as a b channel.

End Span

The End Span field has a drop down menu displaying all the DS-1's that are available. Select a span from the drop down menu. This will be the last DS-1 being configured in the ISDN Circuit Group. Select from drop down menu the last DS-1 that the B Channels will get configured on.

End Channel

The End Channel field has a drop down menu displaying all the available DS-1:DS-0's available. The DS-1/Span in the drop down menu of this field will be the last DS-1:DS-0 of the ISDN Circuit Group being configured. Select from a drop down menu the last DS-0/Channel of the ISDN Circuit Group.

Start Facility Number

Select from the drop down menu, the Start Facility Number will be assigned to the first DS-0 in the ISDN Circuit Group. If the D-Channel and B Channels are assigned on the same DS-1, the facility number given to that DS-1/Span will always be zero. Zero is automatically assigned to the DS-1/Span that contains the Primary D channel. A value of one is automatically assigned to the DS-1/Span that contains the secondary D Channel. To modify, select a different facility number from the drop down menu.

Monitoring Fields

NFAS Supported

The NFAS field displays whether NFAS signaling is being utilized on the b channels created in this object. The status was initially configured in the ISDN D Channel object. NFAS is supported in the T1 protocol only.

Yes - NFAS signaling is being utilized on the B Channels configured.

No - NFAS signaling is NOT being utilized on the B Channels configured.  

Trunk Type

Displays the trunk type of the ISDN Circuit Group being configured. T1 or E1 will be displayed.

B Channel Count

Displays the number of b Channels configured in this circuit group.

Channel Count

Displays the total number of DS-0's, including D-Channels, configured in this circuit group. The D-channels need to be within the DS-1/DS-0 circuit group range for them to be counted in the Total Channel Count. For example, if the D-Channels configured are on the RJ-48 T1/E1 interfaces and the B-Channels are configured on a DS-3 interface, the Total Channel count field will include only the B Channels.

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