H.323 Profile

H.323 Profile



When communicating with an external H.323 Gateway, there are various attributes/features that need to be associated with that particular gateway. Between the H.323 Signaling object and the H.323 Profile object described in this topic, a user can configure these attributes/features. Once configured, the H323 Profile can be added to the H323 Signaling and the External H.323 Gateways object. The H323 Profiles configured will be selectable from a drop down menu in each of the objects described above. In addition to the fields in the H323 Profile object, an additional object labeled the H.323 Profile Timers object. Refer to the information below.

Making changes to an H323 Profile that has active calls on it may result in call failure or other adverse effects. Before making changes, stop all traffic to any H.323 network gateways that are using the H.323 Profile.

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > IMG 2020 > Profiles > H323 Profiles > New H323 Profile


Maximum Objects

Up to 16 H.323 Profile objects can be created per Profiles object

Related Topics and Dependencies

When creating the H323 Profile object, the first H323 profile created is a Default profile and the individual fields within this object cannot be modified. To create an H323 Profile that can be modified, right click on the H323 Profiles object again and select New H323 Profile. The second SIP Profile object created can now be modified.

H.323 Profiles

H.323 Profile Timers

H.323 - Signaling 

Field Descriptions


Enter a unique name that identifies the H.323 Profile being created. The default name is set to H323_Profile_1. For a list of valid characters that can be used refer to Valid Characters topic.

H.245 Tunneling

In order to conserve resources and to reduce call setup time, the H.245 messages can be embedded within the Q.931 call signaling channel, instead of establishing a separate H.245 channel. The process known as encapsulation or tunneling is the encapsulation of H.245 messages within H.225/Q.931 messages (H.245 Tunneling). When employing a NAT or firewall, the use of H.245 tunneling will reduce the number of TCP ports needed to setup the call. The default value is to have H.245 Tunneling enabled.

Enable (Default)- Enable H.245 tunneling and embed the H.245 message in the H.225/Q.931 connection.

Disable- Do not enable H.245 tunneling and allow the H.245 messages to take place on a separate channel than the H.225 connection.

The H.245 Tunneling field enables inbound tunneling only. Outbound tunneling is enabled in the object used for outbound calls. Refer to H245 Tunneling topic for more information.

Initiate TCS (Terminal Capability Set) on all Incoming calls

Enable (default) - The IMG 2020 will not start the H.245 timers on an Incoming FastStart call. The H.245 PPL will remain in state 41 until H.225 notifies H.245 that the call is either released, a TCS is received, or an H.245 End Session Message is received. If the TCS message is received all the timers are started and the IMG 2020 expects to get all the mandatory messages or the call will get released.

Disable - The IMG 2020 will start the H.245 timers on an Incoming fastStart call.


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