ISDN Circuit Group under Channel Group

ISDN Circuit Group under Channel Group



When configuring the B Channels in ISDN or the CIC's in SS7, two separate objects need to be created and configured. The two separate procedures are described below.


Before configuring the SS7 Circuit Group that is created under the Channel Group object, a preliminary SS7 Circuit Group that first creates the CICs must be configured. This preliminary circuit group object is configured under the SS7 ISUP Group. Once the CIC's have been created, a second object labeled SS7 Circuit Group can be created under the SS7 Channel Group object. The second Circuit Group object positions the CICs into a specific channel group on specific node. The Circuit Group described in this topic is configured under the SS7 Channel Group object. Refer to the Circuit Group under Signaling topic for information on the second Circuit Group topic.


Before configuring the Circuit Group that is created under the Channel Group object, a preliminary ISDN Circuit Group that first creates the B Channels must be configured. This preliminary circuit group object is configured under the ISDN Group object. Once the B Channels have been created, a second object labeled the Circuit Group can be created under the ISDN Channel Group object. The second Circuit Group object positions the B Channels into a specific channel group on a specific node. The Circuit Group described in this topic is the circuit group configured under the ISDN Channel Group.


When creating Circuit Group under the Channel Group object, the fields will all be pre-populated with the first available DS-1's and DS-0's configured as a CIC or B Channel. Using the drop down menus within the fields, select the starting and ending DS-1/DS-0 and select the node that the CICs or B Channels will reside on. Refer to the information below.

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > Routing Configuration > Channel Groups > Channel Group > New Circuit Group

Maximum Objects

Up to 2016 separate SSL Circuit groups can be created

Related Topics and Dependencies


As described above, there are two Circuit Group objects that need to be configured when configuring CICs. Before creating the Circuit Group under the Channel Group object, the SS7 Circuit Group object configured under the ISUP Group object must first be created. The Circuit Group object creates and configures the CICs. The second object is the Circuit Group object. This object gives a user the ability to configure the CICs into CIC groups under a specific SS7 Channel Group.


As described above, there are two Circuit Group objects that need to be configured when configuring the B Channels. Before creating the Circuit Group under the Channel Group object, the ISDN Circuit Group under the ISDN Group object must first be created. The ISDN Circuit Group creates and configures the B Channels. The second object is the Circuit Group object. The Circuit Group is created under an ISDN Channel Group and is created to configure what node and channel group the B Channels will reside.

ISUP Group
ISDN Group
SS7 - Circuit Group under Signaling
Channel Group

Field Descriptions

Node Name

Select from the drop down menu which node the CICs or B Channels will get configured on. The drop down menu will display all the nodes available.

Start Span

Select from drop down menu the starting DS-1. The DS-1 selected will be the first or starting DS-1 of the Circuit Group being configured. Once the starting DS-1 is selected, the starting DS-0 within that DS-1 can be configured.

Start Channel

Select from drop down menu the starting DS-0. The DS-0 selected will be the first or starting DS-0 within the DS-1 selected above. The DS-1/DS-0 combination is the first DS-1/DS-0 being created in the SS7 or ISDN Circuit Group.

End Span

Select from drop down menu the ending DS-1. The DS-1 selected will be the last or ending DS-1 of the Circuit Group being configured. Once the ending DS-1 is selected, the ending DS-0 within that DS-1 can be configured.

End Channel

Select from drop down menu the ending DS-0. The DS-0 selected will be the last or ending DS-0 within the DS-1 selected above. The DS1/DS-0 combination is the last DS-1/DS-0 being created in the Circuit Group.

Object Table

The Object Table displays the state of all the CICs or B Channels within the Circuit group. From the object table, each individual or group of CICs or B Channels can be provisioned. Refer to the Provisioning CIC's and SS7 - CIC topics for information on the Object Table.

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