DNS Servers
DNS Servers
The IMG 2020 can be configured to communicate with multiple individual Domain Name System Servers within a specific domain to initiate DNS queries, lookups, etc. To do this, information on how to communicate with the individual external DNS Servers must be configured. Under the DNS Servers object, multiple DNS Server objects can be created. The DNS Servers object is a container or parent object. Multiple DNS Servers can be configured under this object and no configuration is required under this object.
The IMG 2020 can be configured to communicate with multiple individual Domain Name System Servers within a specific domain to initiate DNS queries, lookups, etc. To do this, the IMG 2020 needs to know the name of the domain that the DNS servers will be located, and which type of queries will be initiated to these DNS servers. This information is configured in the parent object of the DNS Server object which is labeled DNS Servers. The DNS Servers object is created under the External Network Elements object and is a container object for multiple servers employing the DNS capabilities to be configured under it. The DNS Servers object must be created before configuring each individual DNS Server.
Web GUI Page
Dialogic > External Network Elements > New DNS Servers
Maximum Objects
One DNS Servers object per External Network Elements object
Related Topics and Dependencies
Once the DNS Servers and DNS Server objects have been configured, the IMG 2020 must be configured as a client to the DNS servers created. To configure the IMG 2020 as a DNS Client refer to the DNS Client topic.
Field Descriptions