

The File object is created under the Files object. The File object can be used for importing signaling variants or used for sending RAW API files.

File for Signaling Variant

When importing variants, there are two files, one file is a text file and the second is a .cfg file that has API messaging. The File object is used to import the .cfg file. During the import process, the .cfg file is first imported to the IMG 2020 using this object. Once the object is configured and the file is loaded, the Signaling Variant Table must be created and configured. For more information on importing variants, refer to the Importing / Exporting Variants topic. A step by step procedure is describing how to import a pre-configured variant is described there.

File for RAW API Message

To send RAW API messages, create a File object. When creating a RAW API object in the configuration, the File object can be selected. For more information, refer to the RAW API Message topic. 

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > Files > New File

Maximum Objects

One File object is created for each Variant that is to be imported. A total maximum of 10 Variants can be configured/imported.

Related Topics and Dependencies

Refer to the Importing / Exporting Variants for complete instructions on importing Variants


Importing / Exporting Variants

Signaling Variants

Signaling Variant Table

RAW API Message 

Field Descriptions


The Name field is  used to upload a text file from a local PC. The text file being uploaded can be a text file for RAW API messages or is one of two files needed to import a Variant. To upload the text file, click on the browse button and navigate to the directory that has the file in it. Once the file has been located click on it select Open and the file will be uploaded to the Web GUI/IMG 2020.


A comment can be entered in this field and it will be displayed in the Configuration Tree Pane beside the File object.

Node Name

The Node Name property is a drop down list of all available nodes on the system and can also be selected as "Unassigned". This property is only used when the file is to be used for a RAW API command. By selecting a specific node, it means only this node receives the RAW API file message.


Download File - Once the .cfg file that was downloaded above is configured on the IMG 2020, it can be exported to your local PC. Follow instructions below to download/export this file from the IMG 2020 to a local PC.

  1. Click on the Download File button and a File dialog box appears asking if you would like to download the file displayed in the Name field to the local PC. Select OK.

  2. Once OK is selected, a second dialog box appears asking to either open the file or Save the file. Click on the appropriate selection as required and follow the instructions.

  • If Open File is selected, the file can be opened, viewed, and modified. If the file is modified, it needs to be saved. It is good practice to save the file with a different naming convention and no overwrite the original file. Once saved, it can be downloaded to the IMG 2020.

  • If Save File is selected, a browse window will open and allow the user to browse to a specific directory and save the file there. It is good practice to save the file with a different naming convention and no overwrite the original file.

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