Signaling Variant Element
- 1 Web GUI Page
- 2 Related Topics and Dependencies
- 3 Field Descriptions (SS7)
- 3.1 Base Variant
- 3.2 PPL Component ID
- 3.3 PPL Entity Type
- 3.4 PPL Entity ID
- 3.5 PPL Entity Value
- 3.6 PPL Entity File
- 3.7 PPL Timer Value
- 4 Field Descriptions (SIP-T)
- 4.1 Base Variant
- 4.2 PPL Component ID
- 4.3 PPL Entity Type
- 4.4 PPL Entity ID
- 4.5 PPL Entity Value
- 4.6 PPL Entity File
- 4.7 PPL Timer Value
- 5 Object Table Tab
The Variant Entry object is created under the Variant Table object. The Variant Entries are created to modify the base variant created within the Variant Table object. The Variant Entries modify the default attributes such as Timers and Config Bytes to eventually create a new modified variant. This new modified variant can then be associated with an SS7 stack or SIP-T entity. To create the Variant Entry, right click on the Variant Table object and select New Variant Entry. Multiple Variant Entries can be created under the Signaling Variant object.
An SS7 Signaling Variant is created using the base variant ETSI V3. Under the SS7 variant created, the attributes of the ETSI V3 variant are modified using Variant Entries. The modifications are sent to the IMG 2020 so when an SS7 attribute such as routing is configured, the routing components will use specifications/routing based on the modified variant.
Creating and modifying signaling variants is very difficult to do. Before creating or modifying a custom signaling variant, contact Dialogic Technical Support first. Dialogic Technical Support have created and customized many variants and in most cases would be able to assist customers in creating the custom variant using an existing variant file that has already been previously created/modified.
Web GUI Page
Dialogic > Signaling Variants > Variant Table > New Variant Element
Related Topics and Dependencies
Once the Variant Table and the Variant entries are created, they can then be linked to the SS7 signaling stack or SIP-T Entity object.
Importing / Exporting Variants
Field Descriptions (SS7)
Once a custom variant is assigned to an SS7 stack the individual variant entries under the Signaling Variant object cannot be modified. However, new variant entries can be added to the Signaling Variant object.
Base Variant
The Base Variant field will be automatically populated based on the Base Variant and Variant Type fields that were initially configured in the Signaling Variant object pane. This field displays the protocol and base variant used and cannot be modified.
PPL Component ID
Click in the PPL Component ID field and select the PPL component to be added/modified. The menu will be different for each Variant selected. Below is a table displaying all component ID's supported
0x0f L3P CIC | 0x1e ISUP GBUR | 0x34 MTP3 RTAC | 0x62 L4 CM |
0x12 ISUP CPC | 0X20 MTP2 AERM | 0x35 MTP3 RTCC | 0x76 ISUP CQS |
0x13 ISUP SPRC | 0X21 MTP2 CC | 0x36 MTP3 RTPC | 0x77 ISUP CQR |
0x14 ISUP CCI | 0X22 MTP2 IAC | 0x37 MTP3 RTRC | 0x78 ISUP CVS |
0x15 ISUP CRI | 0X23 MTP2 LSC | 0x38 MTP3 TCBC | 0x79 ISUP CVR |
0x16 ISUP BLS | 0X24 MTP2 RC | 0x39 MTP3 TCOC | 0x80 ISUP CCO |
0x17 ISUP BLR | 0X25 MTP2 SUERM | 0x3a MTP3 TCRC | 0x82 ISUP DCO |
0x18 ISUP CRS | 0x26 MTP2 TXC | 0x3c MTP3 TLAC | 0x83 ISUP CRO |
0x19 ISUP CRR | 0x2b MTP3 HMDT | 0x3d MTP3 TPRC | 0x84 INTERWORKING |
0x1a ISUP UCIC | 0x2c MTP3 HMRT | 0x3f MTP3 TSFC | 0xA8 ISUP ACC |
0x1b ISUP CGRS | 0x2d MTP3 LLSC | 0x40 MTP3 TSRC | 0xff Generic File |
0x1c ISUP CGRR | 0x2e MTP3 LSAC | 0x41 MTP3 SLTC |
0x1d ISUP GBUS | 0x33 MTP3 RSRT | 0x61 L4 CH |
PPL Entity Type
Select the PPL Entity Type from drop down menu. Below are the selections:
PPL Timers (10ms increments) |
PPL Config Bytes |
When the Component ID is 0xFF Generic File the PPL Entity Type field manages where and when the Variant Entry information is sent to the node. The choices for the PPL Entity Type field are in this situation is:
Stack |
LinkSet |
Link |
Destination |
Route |
Circuit Group |
PPL Entity ID
The PPL Entity ID is automatically set by which PPL Component ID is selected. Each Variant has a different set of ID's. See Below
If the PPL Entity Type is PPL Timers | The PPL Entity ID = 0-255. |
The PPL Entity Value = Not Used | |
If the PPL Entity Type is PPL Config Bytes | The PPL Entity ID = 1-1000 |
The PPL Entity Value = 0-255. |
If the PPL Component ID above is set to 0xff Generic File then the PPL Entity ID is Not Used
PPL Entity Value
This field applies when the PPL Entity ID field above is set to PPL Config Bytes. Select the value for the Config Byte to be configured.
PPL Entity ID | The ID = 1-1000 |
PPL Entity Value | The ID = 0-255. The PPL Value field is PPL Timer Value. 0-65535 (0 to 655.35 sec) |
If the Component ID is 0xff Generic File then the Entity Value defaults to "Not Used" and cannot be modified.
PPL Entity File
The PPL Entity field is shaded green and cannot be modified until the value in the PPL Component Id field is set to 0xFF Generic File. The PPL Entity field is used to upload one or more PPL entities or for loading a custom PPL as part of the Variant instead of having to send RAW API. To upload, the custom PPL's must have already been pre-imported using the object. Once loaded in the File object, the custom PPL will be selectable from within the PPL Entity field drop down menu.
PPL Timer Value
PPL Timers are for customizing the timers (for example: to change the timer expiry period between ACM and ANM in an SS7 call). The PPL Timer Value field can only be modified when the PPL Entity Type is set to PPL Timers instead of PPL Config Bytes.
Use this field to add comments that will be displayed in the configuration tree.
Field Descriptions (SIP-T)
Base Variant
The Base Variant field indicates the base variant to be modified. This field is populated based on the Base Variant and Variant Type fields that were initially configured in the Signaling Variant object pane.
PPL Component ID
The PPL component to be configured. The only component that can be selected is 0xff Generic File.
PPL Entity Type
When SIP-T is configured as the Base Variant, the only PPL Entity Type selectable is SIP-T Message format.
PPL Entity ID
When SIP-T is configured as the Base Variant, the PPL Entity ID field is defaulted to Not Used and cannot be modified.
PPL Entity Value
When SIP-T is configured as the Base Variant, The PPL Entity Value field is defaulted to Not Used and cannot be modified.
PPL Entity File
The PPL Entity field is shaded green and cannot be modified until the value in the PPL Component Id field is set to 0xFF Generic File. The PPL Entity field is used to upload one or more PPL entities or for loading a custom PPL as part of the Variant instead of having to send RAW API. To upload, the custom PPL's must have already been pre-imported using the object. Once loaded in the File object, the custom PPL will be selectable from within the PPL Entity field drop down menu.
PPL Timer Value
PPL Timers are for customizing the timers (for example: to change the timer expiry period between ACM and ANM in an SS7 call). The PPL Timer Value field can only be modified when the PPL Entity Type is set to PPL Timers instead of PPL Config Bytes.
Use this field to add comments that will be displayed in the configuration tree.
Object Table Tab
This table shows a list of the configured Variant entries under the Signaling variant.