SIP Profile - DTMF Support

SIP Profile - DTMF Support



The SIP DTMF Support object will enable the IMG 2020 to accept specific DTMF sequences and using the Subscribe/Notify feature, send a Notify message to a far end gateway. Encapsulated within this notify message will be the Event: indicating the sequence entered. The supported DTMF digits are shown in the tables below. Use the SIP DTMF Support object when configuring either the SIP Subscribe/Notify Method or SIP INFO Method to send specific DTMF digit sequences to a far end gateway. The SIP DTMF Support object is created under the SIP Profile (SGP) object.

When creating the SIP Profile (SGP) object the default ID which is ID:0 disables SIP DTMF Support. In this state the SIP DTMF Support object cannot be modified. To allow the SIP DTMF Support object to be utilized, the Default ID in the SIP Profile (SGP) object must be changed to any ID other than ID:0. If the SIP Profile (SGP) object had already been created using ID:0, the object must first be deleted and then recreated using a different ID.

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > Profiles > SIP Profile (SGP) > New SIP DTMF Support


Max SIP DTMF Support objects

One SIP DTMF Support Object per SIP Profile (SGP) object

Related Topics and Dependencies

The SIP DTMF Support object is utilized when configuring either the SIP Subscribe Notify Method, the SIP INFO Method, or to simply pass DTMF tones. See links below for related information.

SIP Profile - SGP

SIP INFO Method - Long Call Duration Auditing

SIP INFO METHOD - Subscribe/Notify


Field Descriptions


Select from drop down menu one of the following attributes:

Disable (default) - SIP DTMF Support is disabled. When disabled, the SIP Subscribe/Notify and SIP INFO Method will not function properly. When this choice is selected, all other fields in the DTMF Support Object are locked and cannot be modified.

Info with Pattern - Send a specific DTMF Pattern within a SIP INFO header. Patterns are shown in table below

Subscribe - Send a specific DTMF Pattern within a SIP SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY header. Patterns are shown in table below

INFO DTMF digit relay - This selection utilizes the SIP INFO Method to enable the IMG 2020 to pass DTMF tones. The IMG 2020 will send out a single DTMF tone in a SIP INFO METHOD Header for each tone it receives. For more information, see the SIP INFO Method - DTMF (digit relay) link in related topics above. When this choice is selected, all other fields in the DTMF Support Object are locked and cannot be modified.

DTMF Pattern

Choose from drop down menu selections shown below:

Character entered/dialed on the Phone



Enter # symbol four times


Enter # symbol three times


Enter # symbol two times


Enter # symbol once


Enter * symbol four times


Enter * symbol three times


Enter * symbol two times


Enter * symbol once 

DTMF Duration Time (Default = 500 ms)

The amount of time in milliseconds for the entire DTMF string to be received. If the timer expires, it resets to zero and starts over. To modify, click in the DTMF Duration Time field and enter a new value in seconds. 

Default Subscriber Duration (s) - (Subscribe/Notify Method Only)

Amount of time in seconds that a subscribers session will be active. This value is also the maximum allowed duration. To modify, click in the Default Subscriber Duration field and enter a new value in seconds. (Default = 60 seconds)

Minimum Subscriber Duration (s) - (Subscribe/Notify Method Only)

The minimum amount of time that a subscriber session must be established for. The subscriber will not receive any notifications for events which have been in progress for less than this duration. To modify, click in the Minimum Subscriber Duration field and enter a new value in seconds. (Default = 10 seconds)

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