SIP Profile - Headers

SIP Profile - Headers



The SIP Headers object is created under the SIP Profile SGP object. The SIP Headers object allows the IMG 2020 to interwork one or all of the following headers in its outgoing messages:

  • Diversion Header Support

  • Time Stamp Header Support

  • P-Charge-Info Header Support

  • Reason Header Local

  • X-Dialogic Carrier Selection

Web GUI Page

Dialogic > IMG 2020 > Profiles > SIP Profile (SGP) > New SIP Headers


Max SIP Headers object

One SIP Headers object per SIP Profile (SGP) object.

Related Topics and Dependencies

To add each of the headers above select enable or disable. See links below.

P-Charge Header

SIP Diversion Header

Field Descriptions

Diversion Header Support

When enabled, the SS7 redirection information will be sent via the SIP Diversion Header in the outgoing SIP INVITE. See SIP Diversion Header link above for more information.

Disable (default) - No redirection information will be sent.

Diversion - SS7 Redirection information will be sent in the SIP Diversion Header in the outgoing SIP INVITE.

CC-Diversion - Along with the SIP Diversion Header information, the CC-Diversion header field enables the IMG 2020 to pass call control redirecting information during the call setup. Call control redirection is the redirection of a call based on a subscriber service such as call forwarding.

History-Info - The IMG 2020 will insert the SIP History-Info Header into the outgoing SIP INVITE. 

Time Stamp Support

Enable - The IMG 2020 will insert the Timestamp Header in the format of: Timestamp: MMDDYYYYHHMMSS. This value is derived from the system time on the IMG 2020

After bootup the IMG 2020 uses Jan 2,1970 as its internal date. Verify ntp is configured if this date is displayed as the timestamp).

Disable - The IMG 2020 will not insert the Timestamp.  However, actions based on the Timestamp are in accordance with sec of RFC 3261.


Enable (Default) - The P-Charge Info header coming from the SIP leg will be inter-worked into the IAM on the SS7/ISUP leg.

Disable - The P-Charge Info header coming from the SIP leg will not be inter-worked into the IAM on the SS7/ISUP leg.

Generic Notification

Disable (Default) - When field is set to disabled, the feature is disabled and will not function.

Enable - When set to enabled, the feature is enabled and any CPG messages received from the SS7 side after the call has been answered will be mapped to a SIP INFO message with the header Generic-Notification:XY (XY is the Hexadecimal representation of the Generic Notification Indicator in the CPG message from SS7 side)

X-Dialogic ISDN Data

The X-Dialogic ISDN Data field is used to interwork a proprietary header labeled X-DLGCIsdnTunnelingInfo from SIP to ISDN. The header is initially sent in a SIP INFO message and is sent only after the call is in the answered state. The information in the SIP INFO message is information with regards to Malicious Call Tracing. Select from drop down menu to enable or disable the functionality. The interworking of the SIP INFO message is supported in a SIP to ISDN call only. Refer to ISDN Facility Tunneling topic for more information

Disable (default) - Disable is the default setting. If a SIP INFO message is received while a call is in session, the SIP INFO message will be ignored.

Enable - Select Enable from drop down menu to enable the interworking of a received SIP INFO message with the header using the format X-DLGCIsdnTunnelingInfo: 621c<xxxxxxxxxx>. The proprietary header in the SIP INFO message will be interworked from SIP to ISDN.

X-Dialogic Multimedia Call

The X-Dialogic Multimedia Call field enables the SIP Header Indicates Multimedia Call feature. The field is initially set by default to Disabled. To enable, select one of the selections from the drop down menu. Refer to information below.



Disabled (Default)

If call is for multimedia, no header is added to the SIP INVITE.

If call is for audio, no header is added to the SIP INVITE.

Multimedia Call Only

If call is for multimedia, the header X-DLGCMultimedia:yes is added to the SIP INVITE message.

If call is for audio, no header is added to the SIP INVITE.

Multimedia and Audio Call

If call is for multimedia, the header X-DLGCMultimedia:yes is added to the SIP INVITE message.

If call is for audio, the header X-DLGCMultimedia:no is added to the SIP INVITE message 


The User-Agent Header field contains information about the User Agent Client (IMG 2020) that is originating the request. The User-Agent field in the SIP Headers object can either enable or disable whether the User-Agent header is included in the requests. The SIP User-Agent header applies only when the IMG 2020 is acting as the User Agent Client so the User-Agent Header is applicable only on outgoing messaging.

Enabled (Default) - The User-Agent Header is included in outgoing SIP messaging.

Disabled - The User-Agent Header is NOT included in outgoing SIP messaging. 


The Server Header field contains information about the User Agent Server (IMG 2020) when sending messaging back to the User Agent Client that initiated the dialog. The Server Header field in the SIP Headers object can either enable or disable whether the SIP Server Header is included in the messaging being sent from the UAS to the UAC.

Enabled (Default) - The Server Header is included in the messaging being sent from the User Agent Server (IMG 2020) to the User Agent Client. However, the Server Header will NEVER be included in the 100 Trying response irrespective of the whether the Server field is enabled or not. The Server Header field should only be configured on the incoming side of a call.

Disabled - The Server Header is NOT included in any messaging sent from the UAS (IMG 2020) back to the UAC.

INVITE Expires

The Expires Header limits the time a SIP INVITE message is valid. If no answer is received before the timer configured in the Expires Header lapses, the User Agent Client would cancel the INVITE request. The INVITE Expires field gives the user the ability to modify the Expires Header timer value. The Default value set is 300 seconds. To modify, highlight the default value and enter a new value. The Timer ranges from 0 to 3600 seconds (60 minutes). Below is additional information on the Expires Header functionality in the IMG 2020.

  • The configuration parameter for the Expires header is applicable when the SIP SGP profile is associated with the outgoing Channel Group only.

  • The configuration parameter is applicable to the Expires header in the referred INVITE message in a Call Transfer scenario.

  • The configuration parameter is applicable to the Expires header in the 202 Accepted message in a Call Transfer scenario.

  • The Expires header in the 202 Accepted message in a Call Transfer scenario will be set as the configured INVITE Expires Header value plus 60 seconds.

  • The configuration parameter will applicable to the parameter expires in the Subscription-State header of the NOTIFY message in a Call Transfer scenario.

  • The parameter expires in the Subscription-State header of the NOTIFY message in a Call Transfer scenario will be set as the configured INVITE Expires Header value plus 60 seconds.

  • The configuration parameter is applicable to the Expires header in the re-INVITE message for the fax scenario. 

User to User Header

The IMG 2020 supports sending UUI (User to User Information) between a called and calling parties. User to User signaling provides a means of communication between two end users through the signaling network for the purpose of exchanging information of end to end significance. The information is transferred transparently through the network and does not have any effect on the call. The IMG 2020 supports UUI for multiple protocols. On the TDM side the supported interworking scenarios are from ISDN to ISDN, ISDN to SS7, and SS7 to SS7. On the IP side the IMG 2020 supports ISDN to SIP. In the ISDN to SIP scenario the IMG 2020 will inter-work the UUI parameters into the SIP INFO message. Information below describes the individual fields within the SIP UUI Support object. UUI Support needs to be configured in SS7 and ISDN to either Pass or Not Pass the User to User information. UUI is configured on a Channel Group by Channel Group basis. For more information such as configuration info, refer to the UUI Support topic

Disable (Default) - Disable is the default setting. When set to disable, the User to User information will not be interworked.

Enable - The User to User information will be interworked


Resource Priority Header Support (MLPP)

Multi-Level Precedence and Preemption is a priority scheme for assigning precedence levels to calls so the calls are handled in a pre-determined sequence/order and time frame. MLPP can preempt lower priority calls with pre-determined higher level priority calls. MLPP is supported for calls made between the ISDN and SIP protocols as well as between SIP and SIP protocols. For the feature to function, the MLPP field in both the ISDN Channel Group and the SIP Headers object must be enabled. Refer to the Multi-Level Precedence and Preemption - MLPP topic for more in depth information such as call flows.

Disabled (Default) - The MLPP feature is disabled and calls will be processed normally

Enabled - The MLPP feature is enabled. A precedence or priority level will be assigned to each call being processed. Calls that have a higher precedence level will preempt calls with a lower precedence. Once enabled in the SIP Headers, the feature also needs to be enabled in the ISDN channel group object.


MLPP Domain String

When MLPP is set to Enabled, this selected string will be used in the Resource-Priority SIP Header of outgoing SIP INVITE message.

Possible values:

  • dsn

  • drsn

  • q735

  • ets

  • wpsSIP 

Header example for value dsn:

Resource-Priority: dsn.immediate


User to User Prot. Discriminator Byte

The protocol discriminator field by default will not function. The User to User Header above must first be set to enabled.

Not Included (Default) - Not included is the default setting. If Not Included is selected, the IMG 2020 assumes the incoming SIP UUI message does not include the protocol discriminator and should add it in the interworking process.

Included - If included is selected, the IMG 2020 assumes the incoming SIP UUI message includes the protocol discriminator. Therefore, it will interwork the incoming protocol discriminator.


P-Early-Media Support

The P-Early-Media Header support field disables or enables support for the P-Early-Media Header when used with feature F-6294. Refer to the Passing Unsupported SIP Headers (SIP to SIP) support topic for more information on this.


Unsupported Headers Relaying

The Unsupported Headers Relaying field configures whether a SIP Header that is not supported on the IMG 2020 will be dropped or passed to the outgoing leg. Refer to the topic for more information.

Disabled (Default) - Any SIP Headers that are not supported on the IMG 2020 will be dropped and not transferred to the outgoing leg of the call.

Enabled - Any SIP Headers that are not supported on the IMG 2020 will be transferred to the outgoing leg. The header is transferred to the outgoing leg in that same message only. For example, if an unsupported header is received in the incoming INVITE message and the Unsupported Headers Relaying field is set to Enabled, it will be transferred to only the outgoing INVITE. It will not be in any other messaging.

For the Passing Unsupported Header feature to function properly, the SIP Profile object must be linked to the outgoing side so if the functionality is to be on both legs of a call, the SIP profile with this functionality must be linked to both legs.


Reason-header Local

The selections for the Reason-header Local field are either Disabled or Enabled. When set to Enabled and the resources needed to interwork a call from SIP to SS7 are unavailable, a cause code of 34 is generated. From the cause code, the IMG 2020 will transmit a 503 Service Unavailable response to the incoming SIP network. Where the initial cause code was generated from will be added to the 503 message in the Reason header. This feature applies to cause code 34 only and is supported on a call going from SIP to SS7 only. See below for more information.

Disabled (Default) - When set to Disabled, the following is true:


Sent Reason Header in 503 Service Unavailable message

The 503 Service Unavailable message sent back to the incoming SIP network does not distinguish where the cause code of 34 was initiated from. The reason header sent with the 503 message will be formatted as:

Reason: Q.850 ;cause=34 ;text="No circuit/channel available"


Enabled - When set to Enabled, the following is true:


Sent Reason Header in 503 Service Unavailable message

If the cause code is initiated from the incoming SIP side indicating the IMG 2020 does not have any resources available, the Reason Header sent in the 503 Service Unavailable response sent back to the incoming SIP network will be formatted as:

Reason: Q.850 ;cause=34 ;text=" No circuit/channel available,local"

If the cause code is initiated from the outgoing SS7 network indicating the SS7 network on outgoing side does not have any resources available, the Reason Header sent in the 503 Service Unavailable response sent back to the incoming SIP network will be formatted as:

Reason: Q.850 ;cause=34 ;text="No circuit/channel available"

For more information on this feature, refer to the Reason Header - Local/Remote Resource Availability topic.


X-Dialogic Carrier Selection

The X-Dialogic Carrier Selection field configures whether the German ITU/ETSI parameter ISUP Carrier Selection is inter-worked between SS7 and SIP. The format of the new SIP Header is displayed as X-DLGCCarrierSelection: xxxxxx where xxxxxx are hexadecimal digits that represent the data values of the Carrier Selection parameter. When enabled, a new header is added to the SIP INVITE message that displays the hexadecimal representation of all the information included in the Carrier Selection parameter.

Disabled (Default) - If the Carrier Selection Parameter is received in a SIP INVITE message, the header is NOT parsed and NOT interworked to the SS7 IAM message. If the Carrier Selection parameter is received in an SS7 IAM message the header is NOT parsed and NOT interworked into the SIP INVITE message.

Enabled -  If the Carrier Selection Parameter is received in a SIP INVITE message formatted as X-DLGCCarrierSelection: xxxxxx, the header is parsed and interworked into the SS7 IAM message. If the Carrier Selection parameter is received in an SS7 IAM message, the information is parsed and interworked into a header in the SIP INVITE message formatted as X-DLGCCarrierSelection: xxxxxx.


Additional Information on X-Dialogic Carrier

  • The Carrier Selection parameter is interworked from SS7 to SIP and SIP to SS7.

  • The Carrier Selection parameter interworking is supported in ITU/ETSI only.

  • The IMG 2020 will interwork the hexadecimal data of the Carrier Selection parameter as it is received. No modification to the data is performed.

    • The data portion of the header is the hexadecimal data value of the Carrier Selection parameter displayed in the ASCII format. Refer to the example below. 



X-DialogicCarrierSelection: a11230

Odd/Even Indicator = 1, Type of Network Identification = 010
Bitmask = 1010 = 0x0a 

0x01 = Network Identification Plan

0x1230 = Network Identification


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