Call Trace - CUG rejected

Call Trace - CUG rejected

Below is rejected call when CUG parameter is present but CUG Handling field is set to "Reject Calls"

19:15:05.390 CALL(SS7) (22:00001:00) RCVD: STK: 0 PRI: 00 DPC: 0-0-2 OPC: 0-0-3 SLS: 0x00 CIC: 00000 (0x0000) IAM [0001000a00020907031005882658260a07011505882663311a 041234000100] 19:15:05.390 CALL(SS7) (22:00001:00) RCVD IAM from (0x3:0x2:0) 19:15:05.390 CALL(SS7) (22:00001:00) Leg 0 associated with LTS(2)(span 28 chan 2) 19:15:05.390 CALL(SS7) (22:00001:00) SENT Setup Ind w/info (0x3:0x2:0) to L4 19:15:05.390 CALL(L4) (22:00001:00) RCVD Setup Ind from SS7 19:15:05.390 L4(F) L4IW:Reject bc/CUG in IAM !!!!!!! 19:15:05.390 CALL(L4) (22:00001:00) SENT Clear Request to SS7 19:15:05.390 CALL(SS7) (22:00001:00) RCVD Clear Request (0x2:0x3:0) from L4 19:15:05.390 CALL(SS7) (22:00001:00) SENT: STK: 0 PRI: 00 DPC: 0-0-3 OPC: 0-0-2 SLS: 0x00 CIC: 00000 (0x0000) REL [020002809d] 19:15:05.390 CALL(SS7) (22:00001:00) SENT REL cause 29 to (0x2:0x3:0) 19:15:05.460 CALL(SS7) (22:00001:00) RCVD: STK: 0 PRI: 00 DPC: 0-0-2 OPC: 0-0-3 SLS: 0x00 CIC: 00000 (0x0000) RLC [00] 19:15:05.460 CALL(SS7) (22:00001:00) RCVD RLC from (0x3:0x2:0) 19:15:05.460 CALL(SS7) (22:00001:00) SENT Clear Request (0x3:0x2:0) to L4 19:15:05.460 CALL(L4) (22:00001:00) RCVD Clear request from SS7


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