Dialogic Voice Cards - Advanced use of ACOPY2 with Diva Media Boards

Dialogic Voice Cards - Advanced use of ACOPY2 with Diva Media Boards

How to use Acopy2 to test incoming Calls

Open a Command (DOS) prompt. 

Set up the server as an file server by typing:

  1. acopy2 /serve

Acopy2 is now listening for calls. When connected, you should see something like this:

  1. C:\>acopy2 /serve ACOPY2 for Windows, Build 110-210 Common-ISDN-API 2.0 ("Dialogic Corporation (formerly Eicon Networks)" 421.10005 #1324) Waiting for request from remote station Enter 'q' to terminate server operation.  Station 123456:NUMBER request


The 'Station' number should be that of the remote client dialling in - the above is just an example. 

This may or may not be displayed depending on the setup.

How to receive a call or make a call on a specific card or controller

For example, if you have a 4BRI card installed, or on a specific card if you have multiple Diva boards installed.

Use the option /cx (where 'x' is the controller number)

Example of setting up a server for incoming calls:

  1. acopy2 /serve /c2

You will see the following, but note the controller has now changed to controller 2.

Example of command for making an outgoing call on a specific controller:

How to make a call that displays the originating number to the recipient

Open a Command (DOS) prompt. 

Make a call with the originating number by typing:

Replace '30' with the MSN number on the line that you want displayed as the originating number.

How to make/receive a call using different CIP values

CIP stands for Compatibility Information Profile.

CIP value is a parameter you need to supply when making a call, or a parameter you will receive when receiving a call using CAPI. Its value will affect ( or reflects ) the following parameters: 

  • Bearer Capability

  • High Layer Compatibility

CIPs 1-9  are:

  • Speech

  • Unrestricted digital information

  • Restricted digital information 

  • 3.1 kHz audio

  • 7 kHz audio

  • Video

  • Packet mode

  • 56 kbit/s rate adaptation

  • Unrestricted digital information with tones/announcements.

CIPs 10 to 15 are reserved.

CIPs 16-28 are similar to bit 1-9 but they affect / depend on HLC values in additional to Bearer Capability values. 

For example, CIP 16 is for "Telephony" and it depends on the same BC as CIP=1 (speech), but it also needs HLC High Layer characteristics identification = Telephony.

For further details, refer to the CAPI Specification about CIP and CIP Mask parameters. 

To change the CIP value in an outgoing / incoming call, use the option /sx (where x is CIP value)

Example of making a call using CIP value 16:

In order to perform this test, you would need to know the number io an ordinary telephone close to you:

  • If the test is successful, Acopy2 will report "Alerting" on the screen

  • You will hear the phone ring. 

  • Terminate the call by pressing Ctrl+C.

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