Grandstream IP Phone configuration for Connect service

Grandstream IP Phone configuration for Connect service

  1. Locate your phones IP address:

    1. BT 200: Press the "Menu" button, scroll down to "ip address", click "menu" again
      *Note: Ignore leading zeros: becomes

    2. GXP 2000: The IP is displayed at the bottom of the main screen

  2. Open web browser, navigate to your phones IP address

  3. Enter the password “admin” and click “Login”

  4. Locate the Firmware Upgrade and Provisioning section and set the following options:

    1. Upgrade Via: “HTTP”

    2. Firmware Server Path: “cp.fonality.com/phone_configs/”

    3. Config Server Path: “cp.fonality.com/phone_configs/”

  5. At the bottom of the screen, click “Update”, and then “Reboot” on the next screen.

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