HUD Mobile 2013 legacy

HUD Mobile 2013 legacy

For the latest version, please see HUD Mobile 2014+




HUD Mobile is an App for android and iPhone mobile devices that allows Fonality customers
to stay connected to their company from any Wi-Fi or 3G/4G network for a mobile experience
unlike any other.


Once your company has purchased the appropriate service with Fonality and enabled a user for
HUD Mobile all that is left is to download the App. After the App is installed on your Android or
Apple device you will be able to log into HUD from anywhere and communicate as if you were
still at the office!



  • Make calls using either Wi-Fi or 4G/3G networks

  • Have HUD always running in the background so you never miss a call or chat

  • Visual voicemail, see who left a message, when and how long the message is

  • Secure instant messaging with Google contact integration

  • Easily slip into conference bridges

  • Detailed call history

  • Have the ability to put calls on hold or transfer them to others or your own office phone

  • Softphone integration for Toll Bypass

  • Barge, monitor or whisper your agents calls just like HUD Desktop
    Downloading and Installing HUD Mobile

Purchasing HUD Mobile

Each user in your company that would like to utilize HUD Mobile will need a purchased license
from Fonality. The administrator for your companies account should contact Fonality’s Sales or
AMG departments to learn more.

Activating HUD Mobile for Users

The administrator for your company’s server can activate the HUD Mobile license on your user
account via the following steps:

  1. Log into the Control Panel for your server

  2. Select “Users/Extensions” from the top menu

  3. Select “View Users” from the drop down menu

  4. Select the users name to be given HUD Mobile

  5. Select the “Licensing Settings” box for the user (see below)

  6. Check the “HUD Mobile” license box

Downloading and Installing HUD Mobile

To use HUD Mobile you will first need to download and install the app.

  1. Go to the Apple AppStore or Android Market and search for Fonality HUD.

  2. Once the app is found, select it and then select the ‘install’ option

  3. HUD mobile will download and install itself

  4. Once installed navigate to your application menu and select the Fonality icon

  5. Enter your normal username and password credentials for HUD

  6. Congratulations, you can begin using HUD Mobile!

Logging in for the First Time

The first time you start HUD Mobile you will be asked to log in with your user name and password
credentials. These credentials are the same as your normal HUD username and password, but you
will need a HUD Mobile license to begin using the application (see your administrator for more details).
Once on the log in screen enter your username and password.


Please note that the ‘server’ field will be automatically populated and will not need to be changed.

Once you have entered your username and password credentials, HUD mobile will perform the
“First Sync” with your server, linking data between HUD mobile and HUD at your office. Once
the data sync is complete (approximately 1 minute), HUD Mobile will possess the same contacts
and permissions you have on HUD Desktop.



General info about how HUD Mobile connects...

  • HUD Mobile is a cloud application that uses the Internet to give you its features

  • HUD Mobile is designed for users with unlimited carrier data plans or available WiFi connections

  • HUD Mobile uses the data connection of your mobile device to communicate, and sometimes to make calls

  • HUD does not control how your device connects to data networks

    • if you are connected via WiFi, your device will indicate this.  HUD will use WiFi (depending on your hotspot, this is typically free)

    • if you are connected via your carrier's data plan (i.e. 3G or 4G), your device will indicate this and HUD will use the 3G/4G connection (fees will apply if you do not have an unlimited plan)

  • Voice calls are special...

    • on the HUD Home screen, there is an icon (gear) in the lower left that either says "WiFi Data" or "Cellular Network"

    • if it says "WiFi Data" then HUD has registered a softphone connection to the Fonality system and will use your data path to make calls (either WiFi or 3G/4G depending on what connection the device has at the moment) (btw, this is supposed to be labelled "WiFi or Data")

    • if it says "Cellular Network" then the HUD softphone is not active and HUD will use carrier voice minutes for calls


If you have a metered/limited data plan with your carrier, PLEASE READ in order to avoid an unwanted bill $$...

  • make sure "Cellular Network" is selected when you are not on a WiFi network

  • if you know you are on a WiFi network and wish to make free VoIP calls and have additional features, touch the gear icon to switch to "WiFi Data"

    • be sure to change it back to "Cellular Network" when you disconnect from WiFi 

  • be aware that even if your setting is "Cellular Network" HUD is still connected and talking to the Fonality system to do normal HUD stuff like status updates, VM notifications, etc.  This activity will consume data from your carrier data plan when you are not on WiFi.  If you do not wish for this to happen, you are advised to exit HUD when you are not connected to WiFi (on Android, go to HUD Home screen, use the Android menu button, choose "quit")


Before GA, we will address this issue.  In order to address this risk of unwanted data use on the metered carrier network, we will be adding a setting/option to tell HUD Mobile only to connect when on WiFi.  This will ensure that HUD only connects when we know it will be free.  This will help people who do not have unlimited data plans, or who are traveling/roaming and are facing premium data charges.  


Until then, please be careful.  I would hate to see you get stuck with a large data bill from your carrier due to confusion.


Open Port Requirements:

hudm requires these ports to be fully functional in every way:

5060 UDP 10,000-20,000 UDP
4000-4031 (all 32 ports), UDP


If these ports are blocked, softphone cannot work, but rest of app will work.

If HTTPS 443 is blocked, application will not work including VMs loading.


The ports are for audio of softphone.  and you don't need a unique set for every session.  just like standard browser talks on 80 and SSL talks on 443...each client uses that port for ist session, and the firewall/NAT handles the tracking of the session to the device.


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