Fonality - Set custom Caller-ID information on incoming calls - How do I?

Fonality - Set custom Caller-ID information on incoming calls - How do I?

If you wish to manipulate the Caller-ID information presented by your telephone carrier, PBXtra allows you to change the Caller-ID completely or simply append something to the beginning or end.


For example - if a caller chooses your Sales queue from the main menu, you may want to change the Caller-ID to display "Sales - (number of the caller)" on the phone so that your employees know the call is sales-oriented before answering the phone.

Note: There are two lines of Caller-ID information; name and number.  We only ever modify the name; not the number.  So if you Set incoming Caller-ID name: "Sales - ", and someone from Widgets 310-861-4300 calls in, you'll see "Sales - 3108614300" on your phone display.


In other words, the number is unaffected by "Set Caller-ID Name".

  1. Click AutoAnswer --> edit call menu (or sub-menu)

  2. Typically you will change Caller-ID as the first step in your sub-menu.  Choose After step: 0 in order to insert the Caller-ID sequence as Step #1

  3. Choose Set incoming Caller-ID name from the "add new step:" drop-down at the bottom left of the screen.

  4. Click "Apply All Changes"

  5. The Admin Panel refreshes and your new call sequence appears in the list.  In the text box, type whatever Caller-ID information you want to appear on your phones' LCD display.  Remember to apply to saveyour changes.


TIP: Hold your mouse over the blue ? mark superscripted at the end of the text box for a list of variables you can use for Caller-ID


Caller-ID name

What you enter in this field will display on your phone's LCD screen - it will replace whatever Caller-ID name data was passed on the call.

To append or prepend text to the current Caller-ID name, use ${CALLERID(name)} in your text to represent the current Caller-ID name.

If your phone only displays Caller-ID name, use ${CALLERID(num)} in your text to represent the current Caller-ID number.

Additionally, you can use ${NUMBER} to represent the DNIS (DID) of the call (the number the outside caller dialed to reach you), if available on your lines.

To get characters at a specific offset, you can use ${CALLERID(name):3}. This will convert "Dictionary" to "tionary"

To get characters at a specific offset starting from the end of the string, you can use ${CALLERID(name):-3}. This will convert "Dictionary" to "ary".

You can also get a certain amount of characters after a specific amount of characters, so ${CALLERID(name):3:2} would convert "Dictionary" to "ti", skipping the first 3 characters, and then returning 2 characters afterwards.

${CALLERID(name):-3:2} would convert "Dictionary" to "ar", starting 3 characters from the end and returning 2 characters afterwards.

Example 1: Support - ${CALLERID(name)} would display: Support - <caller's name>
Example 2: ${CALLERID(num)} - Sales would display: <number of caller> - Sales
(always followed by the caller's number, since the phone displays that regardless of what we set the caller-id name to).

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