Fonality - Web Username & Web Password

Fonality - Web Username & Web Password

Frequently within the Knowledge Base we refer to the Web Username and Web Password.

These credentials are updated by the administrator for your particular extension when the PBXtra is first installed.

Your administrator creates this username and password on the Users / Extensions page within the Fonality Admin Panel.

The configuration screen looks like this:

personal information for a particular user - incl web username and password.png


Fonality recommends the following convention when creating a Web Username and Web Password:

  1. Web Username - this is a globally unique value much like a web-based email address.  For example - there can be only one "fonality@gmail.com" account in the world, because Gmail is a universal service.  Like Gmail, Fonality customers must each have their own Web Username.

    We recommend picking a username convention and sticking to it.  Two possibilities:

     a.) Username convention: The server ID, underscore, extension number.  Only your company has your unique Server ID, and within your company, each extension is unique; therefore, this convention will always be universally unique.

     b.) Username alternative: The initials of your company name followed by the extension, all run together.  For example, 'Fastener Emperor, extension 7000' can be "FE7000".

     c.) We suggest avoiding the e-mail address as a web username, as the "@" (at) symbol can cause problems with sending SMS text messages from HUD.

  2. Web Password - use a combination of letters and numbers in a random order with some letters lower-case and other letters upper-case.  This ensures a secure password that will not be guessed.  A good example is "Ag73j8".  <-- However, do not use the exact password shown here.


As an end user, you can use your web password to log in to your User Panel and HUD (Heads-Up Display).

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