How to enable Night Mode

How to enable Night Mode

To view roll-over help for Night Mode, please navigate to Options --> settings and hold your mouse over the blue ? mark superscripted at the end of the Night Mode option.


Quickly activate or deactivate Night Mode by dialing *66 from any phone in your office.  You may need to enter your Night Mode password if you set one via the settings page.


Night Mode allows any responsible party of a company to ‘put the company to sleep’ with a star code from any phone on the network. By putting the company to sleep, an employee bypasses the ‘Business Hours’ call flow of the main menu and instead activates the ‘Closed Hours’ call flow.


If the receptionist needs to step away from the office for some errand, dialing a star code from any phone will push callers to a company voicemail box, an answering service, a blast group, or any other aspect of the system you desire.


When the receptionist returns from the errand, she can quickly ‘wake the system up’ with the same star code. Nightmode allows companies more flexibility to determine operating hours on a case-by-case basis. As a Fonality Partner, you may find that Nightmode works well for temporary sites like Construction trailers, leasing offices, kiosks, and any other satellite location of a company where work hours cannot always be assumed static day after day.

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