Server Migration

Server Migration

*The article below ONLY applies to customers who have purchased the server migration product.

Fonality Employees: Please refer to Server Migration - technical steps

The entire migration process can take anywhere between 30 – 60 minutes to complete. During this time, your server will be DOWN. Please plan accordingly. 


Follow the steps below after you received the new server from Fonality. 

  1. You need to contact Fonality to backup all of your audio files. You can also back up your audio files yourself (but we recommend letting us do it) by: (note: this may assign incorrect permissions/ownership to the files).

    1. Set a Root Password on your server (IMPORTANT: Do NOT open port 22 on your firewall, otherwise, any hacker who gets your root password can compromise your server) 

      1. Login to the server using username: ip and password: ip.

      2. When the Fonality options page is displayed, select Option 11 'Set Root Password'.

      3. The password should be easy to remember and difficult guess.  Fonality advises using at least a combination of characters and letters in a string a minimum of eight characters. 

      4. Keep your root password available but secure. 

    2. Once the root password is set the user must connect into the PBXtra from another location.  This is accomplished using an application such as Winscp. 

      1. Once this application is installed on another computer, on the same local network, the user must connect into the PBXtra using the IP address of the PBXtra and logging in using the root password that was earlier set. 

      2. Create a directory/folder on local computer 

      3. Connect to the PBXtra 

      4. Identify and select the target directory/folder (created in step 1) on the local machine.  If using WinSCP the local machine will be on the left. 

      5. Identify and select the source directory/folder on the PBXtra.  If using WinSCP the source machine will be located on the right. 

        1. Voicemail folder: /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/ 

        2. Call Recording folder: /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/ 

        3. Voice Prompt folder: /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ 

        4. Music on hold folder: /var/lib/asterisk/mohmp3/ 

        5. If you have customized network settings, you need to backup these files are well: 

          1. /etc/dhcpd.conf 

          2. /etc/named.conf 

          3. /etc/hosts 

          4. /etc/motd 

      6. Download the desired files to be archived on your computer. 

  2. IMPORTANT: If you old server is on a static IP address (strongly recommended), write down your old server’s networking information by: 

    1. Login to the server using username: ip and password: ip.  

    2. Select Option 1: Set IP Address of this system 

    3. Note the following: 

      1. IP address 

      2. Gateway 

      3. Primary and Secondary DNS Servers 

      4. Subnet Mask 

    4. Enter: Control + C to cancel, you do not want to make any changes. 

  3. Unplug your old server from the network. 

  4. Power up the new server and plug the new server to your network. 

    1. WARNING: Do NOT plug both servers (old and new) to the network at the same time. 

  5. IMPORTANT: When the new server powers up, configure the new server to have the same IP address, Gateway, etc. in step 2-C.  

  6. Restore the files you backed up in step 1 from your computer to your new server via WinSCP in step 1. 

       * When you restore these files/folder back onto the server, the file ownership must be reset back to nobody:nobody. In WinSCP, you can right click on a folder and select permissions to change the ownership.  

  1. Perform test calls to ensure your new server is operational. 

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