FON Script Interface
The FON Script API is provided free of charge, but not covered by Fonality Support. Fonality Support Engineers will not assist you with writing, modifying, or troubleshooting custom AGIs that you write or commission a 3rd party to write for you. Please do not contact Support for any reason relating to the information on this page (even questions) or AGIs in general.
- 1 Fon Script Interface Overview
- 2 Example Application
- 3 Prerequisite
- 4 How To Configure Run Script
- 5 Calling Your Script
- 6 Example Script
- 7 Compatibility
- 8 Languages
- 9 Programming Tips
- 9.1 NOTE
- 10 Environment Variables
- 11 FON Interface API Reference
- 11.1 ANSWER
- 11.2 AUTOHANGUP <time>
- 11.3 Note
- 11.4 CHANNEL STATUS [<channelname>]
- 11.5 Note
- 11.6 EXEC <application> <options>
- 11.6.1 AbsoluteTimeout: Set absolute maximum time of call
- 11.6.2 AddQueueMember: Dynamically adds queue members
- 11.6.3 ADSIProg: Load Asterisk ADSI Scripts into phone
- 11.6.4 AGI: Executes an AGI compliant application
- 11.6.5 AlarmReceiver: Provide support for receving alarm reports from a burglar or fire alarm panel
- 11.6.6 Answer: Answer a channel if ringing
- 11.6.7 AppendCDRUserField: Append to the CDR user field
- 11.6.8 Authenticate: Authenticate a user
- 11.6.9 BackGround: Play a file while awaiting extension
- 11.6.10 BackgroundDetect: Background a file with talk detect
- 11.6.11 Busy: Indicate the Busy condition
- 11.6.12 ChangeMonitor: Change monitoring filename of a channel
- 11.6.13 ChanInUse: Checks to see if channel is in use
- 11.6.14 ChanIsAvail: Check channel availability
- 11.6.15 ChanSpy: Listen to the audio of an active channel
- 11.6.16 CheckGroup: Check the channel count of a group against a limit
- 11.6.17 Congestion: Indicate the Congestion condition
- 11.6.18 ControlPlayback: Play a file with fast forward and rewind
- 11.6.19 Curl: Load an external URL
- 11.6.20 Cut: Splits a variable's contents using the specified delimiter
- 11.6.21 DateTime: Says a specified time in a custom format
- 11.6.22 DBdel: Delete a key from the database
- 11.6.23 DBdeltree: Delete a family or keytree from the database
- 11.6.24 DBget: Retrieve a value from the database
- 11.6.25 DBput: Store a value in the database
- 11.6.26 DeadAGI: Executes AGI on a hungup channel
- 11.6.27 Dial: Place a call and connect to the current channel
- 11.6.28 Dictate: Virtual Dictation Machine
- 11.6.29 DigitTimeout: Set maximum timeout between digits
- 11.6.30 Directory: Provide directory of voicemail extensions
- 11.6.31 DISA: DISA (Direct Inward System Access)
- 11.6.32 DumpChan: Dump Info About The Calling Channel
- 11.6.33 DUNDiLookup: Look up a number with DUNDi
- 11.6.34 EAGI: Executes an EAGI compliant application
- 11.6.35 Echo: Echo audio read back to the user
- 11.6.36 EndWhile: End A While Loop
- 11.6.37 EnumLookup: Lookup number in ENUM
- 11.6.38 Eval: Evaluates a string
- 11.6.39 Exec: Executes internal application
- 11.6.40 ExecIf: Conditional exec
- 11.6.41 ExecIfTime: Conditional application execution based on the current time
- 11.6.42 ExternalIVR: Interfaces with an external IVR application
- 11.6.43 Festival: Say text to the user
- 11.6.44 Flash: Flashes a Zap Trunk
- 11.6.45 FlushQueueStats: Flushes stats for specified queue
- 11.6.46 ForkCDR: Forks the Call Data Record
- 11.6.47 GetCPEID: Get ADSI CPE ID
- 11.6.48 GetGroupCount: Get the channel count of a group
- 11.6.49 GetGroupMatchCount: Get the channel count of all groups that match a pattern
- 11.6.50 Gosub: Jump to label, saving return address
- 11.6.51 GosubIf: Jump to label, saving return address
- 11.6.52 Goto: Jump to a particular priority, extension, or context
- 11.6.53 GotoIf: Conditional goto
- 11.6.54 GotoIfTime: Conditional Goto based on the current time
- 11.6.55 Hangup: Hang up the calling channel
- 11.6.56 HasNewVoicemail: Conditionally branches to priority + 101 with the right options set
- 11.6.57 HasVoicemail: Conditionally branches to priority + 101 with the right options set
- 11.6.58 IAX2Provision: Provision a calling IAXy with a given template
- 11.6.59 ICES: Encode and stream using 'ices'
- 11.6.60 ImportVar: Import a variable from a channel into a new variable
- 11.6.61 LookupBlacklist: Look up Caller*ID name/number from blacklist database
- 11.6.62 LookupCIDName: Look up CallerID Name from local database
- 11.6.63 Macro: Macro Implementation
- 11.6.64 MacroExit: Exit From Macro
- 11.6.65 MacroIf: Conditional Macro Implementation
- 11.6.66 MailboxExists: Check to see if Voicemail mailbox exists
- 11.6.67 Math: Performs Mathematical Functions
- 11.6.68 MD5: Calculate MD5 checksum
- 11.6.69 MD5Check: Check MD5 checksum
- 11.6.70 MeetMe: MeetMe conference bridge
- 11.6.71 MeetMeAdmin: MeetMe conference Administration
- 11.6.72 MeetMeCount: MeetMe participant count
- 11.6.73 Milliwatt: Generate a Constant 1000Hz tone at 0dbm (mu-law)
- 11.6.74 MixMonitor: Record a call and mix the audio during the recording
- 11.6.75 Monitor: Monitor a channel
- 11.6.76 MP3Player: Play an MP3 file or stream
- 11.6.77 MusicOnHold: Play Music On Hold indefinitely
- 11.6.78 NBScat: Play an NBS local stream
- 11.6.79 NoCDR: Tell Asterisk to not maintain a CDR for the current call
- 11.6.80 NoOp: Do Nothing
- 11.6.81 Page: Pages phones
- 11.6.82 Park: Park yourself
- 11.6.83 ParkAndAnnounce: Park and Announce
- 11.6.84 ParkedCall: Answer a parked call
- 11.6.85 PauseQueueMember: Pauses a queue member
- 11.6.86 Pickup: Directed Call Pickup
- 11.6.87 Playback: Play a file
- 11.6.88 PlayTones: Play a tone list
- 11.6.89 PrivacyManager: Require phone number to be entered, if no CallerID sent
- 11.6.90 Progress: Indicate progress
- 11.6.91 Queue: Queue a call for a call queue
- 11.6.92 Random: Conditionally branches, based upon a probability
- 11.6.93 Read: Read a variable
- 11.6.94 ReadFile: ReadFile(varname=file,length)
- 11.6.95 RealTime: Realtime Data Lookup
- 11.6.96 RealTimeUpdate: Realtime Data Rewrite
- 11.6.97 Record: Record to a file
- 11.6.98 RemoveQueueMember: Dynamically removes queue members
- 11.6.99 ResetCDR: Resets the Call Data Record
- 11.6.100 ResponseTimeout: Set maximum timeout awaiting response
- 11.6.101 Return: Return from gosub routine
- 11.6.102 Ringing: Indicate ringing tone
- 11.6.103 SayAlpha: Say Alpha
- 11.6.104 SayDigits: Say Digits
- 11.6.105 SayNumber: Say Number
- 11.6.106 SayPhonetic: Say Phonetic
- 11.6.107 SayUnixTime: Says a specified time in a custom format
- 11.6.108 SendDTMF: Sends arbitrary DTMF digits
- 11.6.109 SendImage: Send an image file
- 11.6.110 SendText: Send a Text Message
- 11.6.111 SendURL: Send a URL
- 11.6.112 Set: Set channel variable(s) or function value(s)
- 11.6.113 SetAccount: Set the CDR Account Code
- 11.6.114 SetAMAFlags: Set the AMA Flags
- 11.6.115 SetCallerID: Set CallerID
- 11.6.116 SetCallerPres: Set CallerID Presentation
- 11.6.117 SetCDRUserField: Set the CDR user field
- 11.6.118 SetCIDName: Set CallerID Name
- 11.6.119 SetCIDNum: Set CallerID Number
- 11.6.120 SetGlobalVar: Set a global variable to a given value
- 11.6.121 SetGroup: Set the channel's group
- 11.6.122 SetLanguage: Set the channel's preferred language
- 11.6.123 SetMusicOnHold: Set default Music On Hold class
- 11.6.124 SetRDNIS: Set RDNIS Number
- 11.6.125 SetTransferCapability: Set ISDN Transfer Capability
- 11.6.126 SetVar: Set channel variable(s)
- 11.6.127 SIPAddHeader: Add a SIP header to the outbound call
- 11.6.128 SIPDtmfMode: Change the dtmfmode for a SIP call
- 11.6.129 SIPGetHeader: Get a SIP header from an incoming call
- 11.6.130 SMS: Communicates with SMS service centres and SMS capable analogue phones
- 11.6.131 SoftHangup: Soft Hangup Application
- 11.6.132 Sort: Sorts a list of keywords and values
- 11.6.133 StackPop: Remove one address from gosub stack
- 11.6.134 StartMusicOnHold: Play Music On Hold
- 11.6.135 StopMonitor: Stop monitoring a channel
- 11.6.136 StopMusicOnHold: Stop Playing Music On Hold
- 11.6.137 StopPlayTones: Stop playing a tone list
- 11.6.138 System: Execute a system command
- 11.6.139 TestClient: Execute Interface Test Client
- 11.6.140 TestServer: Execute Interface Test Server
- 11.6.141 Transfer: Transfer caller to remote extension
- 11.6.142 TrySystem: Try executing a system command
- 11.6.143 TXTCIDName: Lookup caller name from TXT record
- 11.6.144 UnpauseQueueMember: Unpauses a queue member
- 11.6.145 UserEvent: Send an arbitrary event to the manager interface
- 11.6.146 Verbose: Send arbitrary text to verbose output
- 11.6.147 VMAuthenticate: Authenticate with Voicemail passwords
- 11.6.148 VoiceMail: Leave a Voicemail message
- 11.6.149 VoiceMailMain: Check Voicemail messages
- 11.6.150 Wait: Waits for some time
- 11.6.151 WaitExten: Waits for an extension to be entered
- 11.6.152 WaitForRing: Wait for Ring Application
- 11.6.153 WaitForSilence: Waits for a specified amount of silence
- 11.6.154 WaitMusicOnHold: Wait, playing Music On Hold
- 11.6.155 While: Start A While Loop
- 11.6.156 Zapateller: Block telemarketers with SIT
- 11.6.157 ZapBarge: Barge in (monitor) Zap channel
- 11.6.158 ZapRAS: Executes Zaptel ISDN RAS application
- 11.6.159 ZapScan: Scan Zap channels to monitor calls
- 11.7 GET DATA <filename> [<timeout> [<max digits>]]
- 11.8 Notes
- 11.9 GET VARIABLE <variablename>
- 11.10 HANGUP [<channelname>]
- 11.11 Notes
- 11.12 RECEIVE CHAR <timeout>
- 11.13 RECORD FILE <filename> <format> <escape digits> <timeout> [BEEP]
- 11.14 Notes
- 11.15 SAY DIGITS <digit string> <escape digits>
- 11.16 SAY NUMBER <number> <escape digits>
- 11.17 SEND IMAGE <image>
- 11.18 Notes
- 11.19 SEND TEXT "<text to send>"
- 11.20 Note
- 11.21 SET CALLERID <caller ID specification>
- 11.22 Notes
- 11.23 SET CONTEXT <new context>
- 11.24 Notes
- 11.25 SET EXTENSION <new extension>
- 11.26 Note
- 11.27 SET PRIORITY <new priority number>
- 11.28 Note
- 11.29 SET VARIABLE <variablename> <value>
- 11.30 Notes
- 11.31 STREAM FILE <filename> <escape digits>
- 11.32 Note
- 11.33 TDD MODE <setting>
- 11.34 Note
- 11.35 VERBOSE <message> [<level>]
- 11.36 Notes
- 11.37 WAIT FOR DIGIT <timeout>
- 11.38 Note
Fon Script Interface Overview
The FON Script Interface allows software developers and system integrators to extend the functionality of their PBXtra CCE systems by allowing them to create customized extensions to the PBXtra system using a standardized API. This facility allows the creation of custom IVR applications that will impress your friends, and probably get you promoted ;-).
Example Application
One example of a FON Script application is a store locater. This program would prompt the caller to key in his zip code, and look up a list of stores in a cross reference table of a database. Once the correct store is identified the caller is then automatically connected with the correct store.
You must have the PBXtra Call Center Edition of the Fonality software in order to use this feature. In CCE it will be shown in your call menu as "Run Script".
How To Configure Run Script
Log into your PBXtra Admin Web Interface using your administrative username and password.
Click on the AutoAnswer tab.
Click on the call menu tab.
Add a new Call Sequence named Run Script.
Specify the path to the script in your /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin/ directory.
Example for a script listening on a port:
Note: If you are running PBXtra Core version 1.2.14-fon-o or newer, you can also pass HTTP style arguments to the script like this:
You can look for them in your script using the environment variables.
Calling Your Script
If you have connected your FON Interface Script to your call menu, you can dial "0" from any of your extensions to reach your main menu, and subsequently reach the AGI for testing. You may also dial in from an external line.
Example Script
This example Perl script is available under the GNU GPLv2 or higher License. It demonstrates basic interaction with the PBXtra Core software from your server using the STDOUT file handle. It also shows how to get digit input from your callers.
The FON interface is 100% interface compatible with FastAGI. You can use any FastAGI development library you wish. The FON Interface for PBXtra Core improves efficiency over AGI, and allows for continued execution of your call menu if you ever have a problem with your FON Interface Script.
You may write FON Interface Scripts in any language you wish. They must be able to read input on STDIN, write output on STDOUT, and must be able to implement a simple request loop. See the sample script above for a working implementation. Technically speaking the FON Interface Script is a TCP/IP server program. Here are some other programming aids:
ErlAst - A multi-threaded FastAGI server written in Erlang which lets you do your call control in Erlang.
Asterisk-java FastAGI server allows you to write your AGI scripts in Java.
Asterisk::FastAGI Allows you to easily write FastAGI scripts in Perl.
Programming Tips
Note that each call will occupy your FastAGI server for its duration until you set a context and priority sequence number and exit, allowing the call to continue to flow through your system as indicated. To support multiple callers at once you will want to employ a pre-fork multi-process server or a multi-threaded server to allow multiple calls at once. For Perl, consider the Net::Server::Prefork library.
If you decide to multi-thread, and you will have a high call volume, be careful. The default stack size is set to 2MB, and you may quickly soak up a lot of memory, and waste a lot of system resources allocating new threads. Consider using a thread pool so you can create all the threads you need at startup.
For performance and stability reasons, please do not consider loading MySQL or any other database engine on the PBXtra server directly. If your application will use a database, then run it on a separate server and connect to it over a socket connection.
Environment Variables
The following environment variables will be available to your FON Interface Script upon execution. Note that the values will be set dynamically based on the channel information on your inbound call.
accountcode =
callerid = "Fonality" <8773662548>
channel = Zap/1-1
context = icoming
dnid = unknown
enhanced = 0.0
extension = s
language = en
network = yes
priority = 1
rdnis = unknown
request = agi://
type = Zap
uniqueid = 1096425459.28
FON Interface API Reference
Purpose Answer channel if not already in answer state.
Returns -1 on channel failure, or 0 if successful.
Purpose Cause the channel to automatically hangup at <time> seconds in the future. If <time> is 0 then the auto-hangup feature is disabled on this channel.
Returns 0
If the channel is hungup prior to <time> seconds, this setting has no effect.
CHANNEL STATUS [<channelname>]
Purpose Return the status of the specified channel. If no channel name is specified, return the status of the current channel.
Returns -1 There is no channel that matches the given <channelname> 0 Channel is down and available 1 Channel is down, but reserved 2 Channel is off hook 3 Digits (or equivalent) have been dialed 4 Line is ringing 5 Remote end is ringing 6 Line is up 7 Line is busy
Examples CHANNEL STATUS Return the status of the current channel.
CHANNEL STATUS Zap/9-1 Return the status of channel Zap/9-1
The <channelname> to use is the same as the channel names reported by the Asterisk console 'show channels' command.
EXEC <application> <options>
Purpose Executes the specified Asterisk <application> with given <options>.
Returns Whatever the application returns, or -2 on failure to find the application.
The following list details all of the applications that can be invoked within the PBXtra Core software using the EXEC interface command.
AbsoluteTimeout: Set absolute maximum time of call
AddQueueMember: Dynamically adds queue members
ADSIProg: Load Asterisk ADSI Scripts into phone
AGI: Executes an AGI compliant application
AlarmReceiver: Provide support for receving alarm reports from a burglar or fire alarm panel
Answer: Answer a channel if ringing
AppendCDRUserField: Append to the CDR user field
Authenticate: Authenticate a user
BackGround: Play a file while awaiting extension
BackgroundDetect: Background a file with talk detect
Busy: Indicate the Busy condition
ChangeMonitor: Change monitoring filename of a channel
ChanInUse: Checks to see if channel is in use
ChanIsAvail: Check channel availability
ChanSpy: Listen to the audio of an active channel
CheckGroup: Check the channel count of a group against a limit
Congestion: Indicate the Congestion condition
ControlPlayback: Play a file with fast forward and rewind
Curl: Load an external URL
Cut: Splits a variable's contents using the specified delimiter
DateTime: Says a specified time in a custom format
DBdel: Delete a key from the database
DBdeltree: Delete a family or keytree from the database
DBget: Retrieve a value from the database
DBput: Store a value in the database
DeadAGI: Executes AGI on a hungup channel
Dial: Place a call and connect to the current channel
Dictate: Virtual Dictation Machine
DigitTimeout: Set maximum timeout between digits
Directory: Provide directory of voicemail extensions
DISA: DISA (Direct Inward System Access)
DumpChan: Dump Info About The Calling Channel
DUNDiLookup: Look up a number with DUNDi
EAGI: Executes an EAGI compliant application
Echo: Echo audio read back to the user
EndWhile: End A While Loop
EnumLookup: Lookup number in ENUM
Eval: Evaluates a string
Exec: Executes internal application
ExecIf: Conditional exec
ExecIfTime: Conditional application execution based on the current time
ExternalIVR: Interfaces with an external IVR application
Festival: Say text to the user
Flash: Flashes a Zap Trunk
FlushQueueStats: Flushes stats for specified queue
ForkCDR: Forks the Call Data Record
GetGroupCount: Get the channel count of a group
GetGroupMatchCount: Get the channel count of all groups that match a pattern
Gosub: Jump to label, saving return address
GosubIf: Jump to label, saving return address
Goto: Jump to a particular priority, extension, or context
GotoIf: Conditional goto
GotoIfTime: Conditional Goto based on the current time
Hangup: Hang up the calling channel
HasNewVoicemail: Conditionally branches to priority + 101 with the right options set
HasVoicemail: Conditionally branches to priority + 101 with the right options set
IAX2Provision: Provision a calling IAXy with a given template
ICES: Encode and stream using 'ices'
ImportVar: Import a variable from a channel into a new variable
LookupBlacklist: Look up Caller*ID name/number from blacklist database
LookupCIDName: Look up CallerID Name from local database
Macro: Macro Implementation
MacroExit: Exit From Macro
MacroIf: Conditional Macro Implementation
MailboxExists: Check to see if Voicemail mailbox exists
Math: Performs Mathematical Functions
MD5: Calculate MD5 checksum
MD5Check: Check MD5 checksum
MeetMe: MeetMe conference bridge
MeetMeAdmin: MeetMe conference Administration
MeetMeCount: MeetMe participant count
Milliwatt: Generate a Constant 1000Hz tone at 0dbm (mu-law)
MixMonitor: Record a call and mix the audio during the recording
Monitor: Monitor a channel
MP3Player: Play an MP3 file or stream
MusicOnHold: Play Music On Hold indefinitely
NBScat: Play an NBS local stream
NoCDR: Tell Asterisk to not maintain a CDR for the current call
NoOp: Do Nothing
Page: Pages phones
Park: Park yourself
ParkAndAnnounce: Park and Announce
ParkedCall: Answer a parked call
PauseQueueMember: Pauses a queue member
Pickup: Directed Call Pickup
Playback: Play a file
PlayTones: Play a tone list
PrivacyManager: Require phone number to be entered, if no CallerID sent
Progress: Indicate progress
Queue: Queue a call for a call queue
Random: Conditionally branches, based upon a probability
Read: Read a variable
ReadFile: ReadFile(varname=file,length)
RealTime: Realtime Data Lookup
RealTimeUpdate: Realtime Data Rewrite
Record: Record to a file
RemoveQueueMember: Dynamically removes queue members
ResetCDR: Resets the Call Data Record
ResponseTimeout: Set maximum timeout awaiting response
Return: Return from gosub routine
Ringing: Indicate ringing tone
SayAlpha: Say Alpha
SayDigits: Say Digits
SayNumber: Say Number
SayPhonetic: Say Phonetic
SayUnixTime: Says a specified time in a custom format
SendDTMF: Sends arbitrary DTMF digits
SendImage: Send an image file
SendText: Send a Text Message
SendURL: Send a URL
Set: Set channel variable(s) or function value(s)
SetAccount: Set the CDR Account Code
SetAMAFlags: Set the AMA Flags
SetCallerID: Set CallerID
SetCallerPres: Set CallerID Presentation
SetCDRUserField: Set the CDR user field
SetCIDName: Set CallerID Name
SetCIDNum: Set CallerID Number
SetGlobalVar: Set a global variable to a given value
SetGroup: Set the channel's group
SetLanguage: Set the channel's preferred language
SetMusicOnHold: Set default Music On Hold class
SetRDNIS: Set RDNIS Number
SetTransferCapability: Set ISDN Transfer Capability
SetVar: Set channel variable(s)
SIPAddHeader: Add a SIP header to the outbound call
SIPDtmfMode: Change the dtmfmode for a SIP call
SIPGetHeader: Get a SIP header from an incoming call
SMS: Communicates with SMS service centres and SMS capable analogue phones
SoftHangup: Soft Hangup Application
Sort: Sorts a list of keywords and values
StackPop: Remove one address from gosub stack
StartMusicOnHold: Play Music On Hold
StopMonitor: Stop monitoring a channel
StopMusicOnHold: Stop Playing Music On Hold
StopPlayTones: Stop playing a tone list
System: Execute a system command
TestClient: Execute Interface Test Client
TestServer: Execute Interface Test Server
Transfer: Transfer caller to remote extension
TrySystem: Try executing a system command
TXTCIDName: Lookup caller name from TXT record
UnpauseQueueMember: Unpauses a queue member
UserEvent: Send an arbitrary event to the manager interface
Verbose: Send arbitrary text to verbose output
VMAuthenticate: Authenticate with Voicemail passwords
VoiceMail: Leave a Voicemail message
VoiceMailMain: Check Voicemail messages
Wait: Waits for some time
WaitExten: Waits for an extension to be entered
WaitForRing: Wait for Ring Application
WaitForSilence: Waits for a specified amount of silence
WaitMusicOnHold: Wait, playing Music On Hold
While: Start A While Loop
Zapateller: Block telemarketers with SIT
ZapBarge: Barge in (monitor) Zap channel
ZapRAS: Executes Zaptel ISDN RAS application
ZapScan: Scan Zap channels to monitor calls
GET DATA <filename> [<timeout> [<max digits>]]
Purpose Plays the given file and receives DTMF data. This is similar to STREAM FILE, but this command can accept and return many DTMF digits, while STREAM FILE returns immediately after the first DTMF digit is detected.
Returns If the command ended due to timeout then the result is of the form
where <digits> will be zero or more ASCII characters depending on what the user pressed.
If the command ended because the maximum number of digits were entered then the result is of the form
and the number of digits returned will be equal to <max digits>.
In either case what you get are actual ASCII characters. For example if the user pressed the one key, the three key and then the star key, the result would be
This differs from other commands with return DTMF as numbers representing ASCII characters.
Don't give an extension with the filename.
Asterisk looks for the file to play in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
If the user doesn't press any keys then the message plays, there is <timeout> milliseconds of silence then the command ends.
The user has the opportunity to press a key at any time during the message or the post-message silence. If the user presses a key while the message is playing, the message stops playing. When the first key is pressed a timer starts counting for <timeout> milliseconds. Every time the user presses another key the timer is restarted. The command ends when the counter goes to zero or the maximum number of digits is entered, whichever happens first.
If you don't specify a time out then a default timeout of 2000 is used following a pressed digit. If no digits are pressed then 6 seconds of silence follow the message.
If you want to specify <max digits> then you *must* specify a <timeout> as well.
If you don't specify <max digits> then the user can enter as many digits as they want.
Pressing the # key has the same effect as the timer running out: the command ends and any previously keyed digits are returned. A side effect of this is that there is no way to read a # key using this command.
GET VARIABLE <variablename>
Purpose Fetch the value of a variable.
Returns Returns 0 if the variable hasn't been set. Returns 1 followed by the value of the variable in parenthesis if it has been set.
Example SET VARIABLE Foo "This is a test" 200 result=1 GET VARIABLE Foo 200 result=1 (This is a test)
HANGUP [<channelname>]
Purpose Hangup the specified channel. If no channel name is given, hang up the current channel.
Returns If the hangup was successful then the result is 200 result=1
If no channel matches the <channelname> you specified then the result is 200 result=-1
Examples HANGUP Hangup the current channel.
HANGUP Zap/9-1 Hangup channel Zap/9-1
The <channelname> to use is the same as the channel names reported by the Asterisk console 'show channels' command.
With power comes responsibility. Hanging up channels other than your own isn't something that is done routinely. If you are not sure why you are doing so, then don't.
RECEIVE CHAR <timeout>
Purpose Receive a character of text from a connected channel. Waits up to <timeout> milliseconds for a character to arrive, or infinitely if <timeout> is zero.
Returns If a character is received, returns the ASCII value of the character as a decimal number. For example if the character 'A' is received the result would be
If the channel does not support text reception or if the no character arrives in <timeout> milliseconds then the result is
On error or failure the result is
Note: Most channels do not support the reception of text.
RECORD FILE <filename> <format> <escape digits> <timeout> [BEEP]
Purpose Record sound to a file until an acceptable DTMF digit is received or a specified amount of time has passed. Optionally the file BEEP is played before recording begins.
Returns The documentation in the code says on hangup the result is -1, however when I tried it the hangup result was
If an error occurs then the result is -1. This can happen, for example, if you ask for a non-existent format.
If the user presses an acceptable escape digit then the result is a number representing the ASCII digit pressed. For example if recording terminated because the user pressed the '2' key the result is
Example RECORD FILE foo gsm 123 5000 beep Record sound in gsm format to file 'foo.gsm'. Play a beep before starting to record. Stop recording if user presses '1', '2' or '3', after five seconds of recording, or if the user hangs up.
Don't put an extension on the filename; the filename extension will be created based on the <format> specified.
The file will be created in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
<format> specifies what kind of file will be recorded. GSM is a commonly used format. To find out what other formats are supported start Asterisk with at a verbosity level of at least 2 (-vvc) and look for the messages that appear saying "== Registered file format <whatever>'. Most but not all registered formats can be used, for example, Asterisk can read but not write files in 'mp3' format.
If you don't want ANY digits to terminate recording then specify "" instead of a digit string. To change the above example so no digits terminate recording use RECORD FILE foo gsm "" 5000 beep
<timeout> is the maximum record time in milliseconds, or -1 for no timeout. When this document was written [Nov 2002] I was unable to get <timeout> to work; this command always kept recording until I pressed an escape digit or hung up, as if -1 had been specified for timeout. A patch to correct this has been submitted but has not yet shown up in the CVS tree.
SAY DIGITS <digit string> <escape digits>
Purpose Say the given digit string, returning early if any of the given DTMF escape digits are received on the channel. If no DTMF digits are to be received specify "" for <escape digits>.
Returns Zero if playback completes without a digit being received, or the ASCII numerical representation of the digit pressed, or -1 on error or hangup.
Example SAY DIGITS 123 78#
The digits 'one', 'two', 'three' are spoken. If the user presses the '7', '8' or '#' key the speaking stops and the command ends. If the user pressed no keys the result would be 200 result=0. If the user pressed the '#' key then the result would be 200 result=35.
SAY NUMBER <number> <escape digits>
Purpose Say the given number, returning early if any of the given DTMF escape digits are received on the channel. If no DTMF digits are to be accepted specify "" for <escape digits>.
Returns Zero if playback completes without a digit being received, or the ASCII numerical representation of the digit pressed, or -1 on error or hangup.
Example SAY NUMBER 123 789
The phrase 'one hundred twenty three' is spoken. If the user presses the '7', '8' or '9' key the speaking stops and the command ends. If the user pressed no keys the result would be 200 result=0. If the user pressed the '#' key then the result would be 200 result=35.
SEND IMAGE <image>
Purpose Send the specified image on a channel. The image name should not should not include the extension.
Returns Zero if the image is sent or if the channel does not support image transmission. Returns -1 only on error or hangup.
Asterisk looks for the image in /var/lib/asterisk/images
Most channels do not support the transmission of images.
SEND TEXT "<text to send>"
Purpose Send the given text to the connected channel.
Returns 0 if text is sent or if the channel does not support text transmission. Returns -1 only on error or hangup.
Example SEND TEXT "Hello world"
Most channels do not support transmission of text.
SET CALLERID <caller ID specification>
Purpose Changes the caller ID of the current channel
Returns Always returns 200 result=1
Example SET CALLERID "John Smith"<1234567>
This command will let you take liberties with the <caller ID specification> but the format shown in the example above works well: the name enclosed in double quotes followed immediately by the number inside angle brackets. If there is no name then you can omit it.
If the name contains no spaces you can omit the double quotes around it.
The number must follow the name immediately; don't put a space between them.
The angle brackets around the number are necessary; if you omit them the number will be considered to be part of the name.
SET CONTEXT <new context>
Purpose Sets the context for continuation upon exiting the application.
Returns Always returns 200 result=0.
Example SET CONTEXT demo
Setting the context does NOT automatically reset the extension and the priority; if you want to start at the top of the new context you should set extension and priority yourself.
If you specify a non-existent context you receive no error indication (the result returned is still 'result=0') but you do get a warning message on the Asterisk console.
SET EXTENSION <new extension>
Purpose Set the extension to be used for continuation upon exiting the application.
Returns Always returns 200 result=0.
Setting the extension does NOT automatically reset the priority. If you want to start with the first priority of the extension you should set the priority yourself.
If you specify a non-existent extension you receive no error indication (the result returned is still 'result=0') but you do get a warning message on the Asterisk console.
SET PRIORITY <new priority number>
Purpose Set the priority to be used for continuation upon exiting the application.
Returns Always returns 200 result=0.
If you specify a non-existent priority you receive no error indication of any sort: the result returned is still 'result=0' and no warning is issued on the Asterisk console.
SET VARIABLE <variablename> <value>
Purpose Sets a variable to the specified value. The variables so created can later be used by later using ${<variablename>} in the dialplan.
Returns Always returns 200 result=1.
Example SET VARIABLE station zap/3
Creates a variable named 'station' with the value 'zap/3'.
Unlike most of Asterisk, variable names are case sensitive. The names 'Foo' and 'foo' refer to two separate and distinct variables.
If the value being assigned contains spaces then put it inside double quotes.
If you want double quotes inside the value then you have to escape them. For example to create a variable CID whose value is "John Doe"<555-1212> you could use: SET VARIABLE CID "\"John Doe \"<555-1212>
Be aware that the language you are using may eat the backslash before it gets passed to Asterisk; you may have to use two backslashes or otherwise tell the language that, yes, you really do want a backslash in the string you are sending.
These variables live in the channel Asterisk creates when you pickup a phone and as such they are both local and temporary. Variables created in one channel can not be accessed by another channel. When you hang up the phone, the channel is deleted and any variables in that channel are deleted as well.
STREAM FILE <filename> <escape digits>
Purpose Play the given audio file, allowing playback to be interrupted by a DTMF digit. This command is similar to the GET DATA command but this command returns after the first DTMF digit has been pressed while GET DATA can accumulated any number of digits before returning.
Returns If playback finished with no acceptable digit being pressed the result is zero. If an acceptable digit was pressed the result is the decimal representation of the pressed digit. If the channel was disconnected or an error occurred the result is -1.
Example STREAM FILE welcome #
Plays the file 'welcome'. If the user presses the '#' key the playing stops and the command returns 200 result=35
Don't give an extension with the filename.
Asterisk looks for the file to play in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds
Use double quotes if the message should play completely. For example to play audio file 'welcome' without allowing interruption by digits use: STREAM FILE welcome ""
TDD MODE <setting>
Purpose Enable or disable TDD transmission/reception on the current channel.
Returns 1 if successful or 0 if the channel is not TDD capable.
Example TDD MODE on
The argument <setting> can be 'on' or 'tdd' to enable tdd mode. It can also be 'mate' which apparently sets some unspecified tdd mode. If it is anything else ('off' for example) then tdd mode is disabled.
VERBOSE <message> [<level>]
Purpose Sends <message> to the Asterisk console via the 'verbose' message system.
Returns Always returns 1
Example VERBOSE Hello 3
Sends the message "Hello" to the console if the current Asterisk verbosity level is set to 3 or greater.
<level> is the verbosity level in the range 1 through 4.
If your message contains spaces, then enclose it in double quotes.
The Asterisk verbosity system works as follows. The Asterisk usbr gets to set the desired verbosity at startup time or later using the console 'set verbose' command. Messages are displayed on the console if their verbose level is less than or equal to desired verbosity set by the user. More important messages should have a low verbose level; less important messages should have a high verbose level.
WAIT FOR DIGIT <timeout>
Purpose Waits up to 'timeout' milliseconds for channel to receive a DTMF digit
Returns -1 on channel failure, 0 if no digit is received in timeout or the numerical value of the ascii of the digit received.
Use -1 for the timeout value if you want the call to wait indefinitely.
Example WAIT FOR DIGIT 3000
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