
If you would like to import your Company Directory directly into your iPhone, please follow the directions below for your operating system.


Mac OS 10.4 or later

  1. Login to your User Panel via cp.fonality.com using your Web Username and Web Password

  2. Click the import now link next to the iPhone logo

  3. Select Open with --> Address Book.app

  4. Click OK

  5. Click Add within the Address Book application

  6. If the system prompts you that some contacts are duplicates, click Import to update existing contacts

  7. Open iTunes

  8. Attach your iPhone via USB cable to your computer

  9. Click the iPhone icon from the list of attached devices

  10. Click the Info tab

  11. Click the check box next to Sync Address Book contacts

  12. Click Apply or Sync (will depend on your version of iTunes)


Windows XP or later

  1. Login to your User Panel via cp.fonality.com using your Web Username and Web Password

  2. Click  the import now link from next to the iPhone logo

  3. Click save file

  4. Open the Address Book application via Start --> Programs --> Accessories --> Address Book*

  5. Within the Address Book application, click File

  6. Click Import

  7. Click Business Card (vCard)

  8. Using the File Browser, locate the file you saved in Step #4

  9. Click Ok to import each contact

  10. Open iTunes

  11. Connect your iPhone via USB cable to your computer

  12. Click the iPhone icon from the list of attached devices

  13. Click the Info tab

  14. Click the check-box next to Sync contacts with:

  15. Select Windows Address Book from the drop-down menu

  16. Click Apply or Sync (will depend on your version of iTunes)

*You can synchronize your Address Book contacts with Outlook AFTER you've imported each contact into Address Book.  Outlook does not properly import the vCard format.  Instead of importing all vCard records within a single file, Outlook only imports the first record listed in the file.  This is a problem with Outlook.

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