Multiplexer - STM1 Link Check

Multiplexer - STM1 Link Check


  1. Configure all wanpipe links for MASTER clocking.
    wancfg_tdmapi --fe_media=T1 --fe_clock=MASTER --silent   
    wancfg_tdmapi --fe_media=E1 --fe_clock=MASTER --silent

  2. Start Driver
    wanrouter start 

  3. Log into the MUX using telnet (or console) and do the following.
    -> 2 for "Channel Interface"
    -> 3 for "Channel Configuration"
    -> a for "Set for All Spans"
    -> 3 for "Clock"
    -> 1 for "Normal"
    -> q for "Exit"
    -> s for "Save configuration on non-volatile storage"
    -> q for "Exit"
    -> r for "Restart All Spans (apply current configuration)"
    -> q for "Exit"
    -> q for "Exit" (Again) 
    -> 3 for "Uplink Interface"
    -> 3 for "Uplink Loopback"
    ->5 for "Digital Loopback" 

  4. Verify the Current Loopback state reads "DLOOP".

  5. Disable the DSP.

  6. Verify Layer 1 is up.
    wanrouter status  #This should show the port as CONNECTED

  7. Run the BERT application.
    cd /etc/wanpipe/api/libsangoma/examples/hdlc_test/
    ./tdm_hdlc_test.sh "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8"   #This will run the test on every channel on all 8 spans

    ./tdm_hdlc_test.sh 1 2  #This will run the test on span 1 channel 2 only

    Usage: ./tdm_hdlc_test.sh <spans> <chans> <timeout> 
    Note: ./tdm_hdlc_test.sh might need to be made executable : chmod +x  tdm_hdlc_test.sh and then make

More Info

This test is to connect a complete A108 to the STM1 mux then loop the fiber link. The loop however is done internally on the MUX using the steps in step #3. You can add more A108's to test the complete mux or run the test multiple times with a single A108. As well you could use a lower density card, even a A101. Once this test completes successfully you know your STM1 is working well.  


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