Multiplexer - STM1 T1/E1 Clocking

Multiplexer - STM1 T1/E1 Clocking

The DS1 Clock Source options should be interpreted as follows:

  • Master Clock (Default)

    • Derive clock from Upstream (OC-3 side) and pass it to the T1/E1 interfaces.

    • Master indicates that STM1 T1/E1 interfaces are Master clock to external T1/E1 equipment.

  • Normal Clock (Used in Testing or back to back)

    • Derive clock from external T1/E1 interfaces and pass it to OC-3 side.

    • Normal indicates that STM1 T1/E1 interfaces are slave to external T1/E1 equipment.


Figure 3.2.2-1 illustrates how the STM-1 Mux acts as a “pass-through” for T1 Master Clock coming from “Upstream”.


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