PBX GUI - Bria Cloud Solutions Module Setup
The module is where you will define the pairing with your CounterPath account.
Setting Up Bria Cloud Solutions
Fill in the following information to link your CounterPath and FreePBX accounts:
CounterPath Account Login - Apply the administrator email address that you used to complete your order at http://CounterPath.com
Provisioning Code - Retrieve your Provisioning Code from the System tab in the CounterPath Subscription Portal.
Extension Prefix- When enabling Bria Cloud for an extension, we will create a second device for the user behind the scenes in your PBX that is paired with your primary extension. So, anytime your extension is dialed, the Bria Cloud Solutions defined extension will be dialed also. By default we set this to "999," so if I was enabling Bria Cloud Solutions for my user Tom who has the default extension of 2002, the Bria Cloud Solutions device auto created would be "9992002."
IP Address- This is the IP Address or FQDN that you tell Bria Cloud Solutions how to have your Bria phones reach the PBX.
Submit your changes when done.
Viewing Bria Cloud Solutions After Setup
Once you have connected to CounterPath CCS the module should show the connection status to the API anytime you load the page.
You can also see the number of devices you are licensed for.
Lastly you can see what users from the PBX User Management module have been enabled for Bria Cloud Solutions.