CDR User Guide


Call Reports is designed to be the raw data of all call activity on your phone system. It can be a very challenging module to work with because it’s not in a very user-friendly format and there is so
much raw Call Detail Records (CDR). It is really meant as a way to export the data so you can build your own custom reports around the raw data.

Logging in

  • From the top menu click Reports

  • From the drop down click CDR Reports

Viewing Data


From the landing page you can run reports against your CDR database and filter on the following:

  • Call Date

  • CallerID Number

  • CallerID Name

  • Outbound CallerID Number

  • DID

  • Destination

  • Destination CallerID Name

  • Userfield

  • Account Code

  • Duration

  • Disposition

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