Setup for Connectwise

Setup for Connectwise

API Setup

Log in to your CRM then click the icon in the top right corner. It is recommended you create an API user rather than using an individuals account.


In the menu that opens click "My Account"

A new window will pop up. Click on "API Keys"

In the page that opens click on the + sign.

In the Description put anything you wish and click the save icon.

Copy down the information generated you will need this for the module.


Module Setup

In the Admin page click "Settings" > "CRM Settings"

For CRM Type choose Connectwise and click submit.

  • In the Settings menu fill out the appropriate settings. 

  • Company is what you use when you log in through the web.

    • Select the Client Id Type, There is two options.

Customer's Client Id :-  Customer can use his own Client Id, For generate your own Client Id, Please follow this guide: https://help-desk-migration.com/help/how-to-generate-connectwise-client-id

Sangoma Crm Internal : It's Sangoma crm internal Client Id. if you select that option then there is no need to insert your Client Id.

  • Insert the Client Id. If you are selecting the customer's client id option.

  • Public and Private Key's are the keys you got during the API setup.

  • Pick the appropriate server closest to you

Click "Submit"


The connectwise API does not return an appropriate error if you choose the wrong server. If your user cache doesn't update check your server.


Now, you must match your users from the PBX to SugarCRM/SuiteCRM users.

Go to Admin > User Management > Edit the user you want to match, go to CRM tab and match your PBX user with your SugarCRM/SuiteCRM user.


Additionally, if you use Zulu, you can choose to use "On Call Popup" option under your Inbound route or your queues.

Go to Connectivity > Inbound Routes > Select your route > Zulu Tab

Or Applications > Queues > Edit your Queue > Zulu Tab





Self Hosted/Custom URL

You can set a custom URL for self hosted instances by going to Advanced Settings and looking for "Custom CRM url". The full feature set for premises hosted systems may not be available.


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