PBX GUI - Setup QSC DE SIP trunks
Configuring the interconnection with QSC requires just few parameters to be set in the SIP/PJSIP section of your PBXact. Two section are involved:
SIP Settings
SIP Settings
Chan PJSIP Settings
In the module SIP Settings go to tab Chan PJSIP Settings and configure the settings in this suggested way
Enable transport for udp/tcp/tls on IP address (if you prefer you can define any other socket choosing the right one for you)
Check at the very bottom of this page which ports are in use for each protocol: adjust the value of Port to Listen On with your preferred
In the module “Trunks” create a new trunk selecting chan_pjsip type
In the General section of the new Trunk, give the trunk a name and define the Outbound Caller ID with the assigned Phone Number, optionally define “Maximum Channels” value
Pjsip Settings / General
Go to pjsip Settings and in the General sub tab insert:
Username: Your Account Number
Secret: Your assigned Secret
SIP Server: sipconnect.plusnet.de
SIP Server Port: 5060
Context: from-pstn
Transport: choose between udp or tcp (tls at the moment is not fully tested)
Pjsip Settings / Advanced
Go to pjsip Settings and in the Advanced sub tab insert:
From User: Your Telephone Number
Server URI: sip:<Account Number>@sipconnect.plusnet.de
AOR: sip:sipconnect.plusnet.de
AOR Contact: sipconnect.plusnet.de
Useful asterisk commands:
pjsip show aors
Shows all the AORs in memory
pjsip show aor <trunk-name>
Shows specific trunk status
pjsip show registrations
Shows all the remote registration in memory
pjsip show registration <trunk-name>
Shows specific trunk registration status