UCP Settings

UCP Settings



This applies to version 14 of your PBX GUI

User Settings can be found in the lower left hand corner of UCP. Look for a gear icon


Clicking this icon will bring up the user settings dialog

Account Settings

Account Settings is the first tab. The options in here relate directly to your user.

Some of these options may not be visible to you depending on your configuration


  • Username: The Username of your account. You can change it here if you wish (you will be forced to logout)

  • Password: The new password of your account. You can change it here but will need to reenter your password in the confirm box

  • Confirm Password: The confirm password input. Used to validate you did not mistype your password

  • Update Password: Click this button to update your password based on new input from Password and Confirm Password

User Details

User details is the second tab. This tab contains all of the details about the currently logged in user on the system


  • Display Name: Alias/Name used in services such as Chat