• Current Release

    • SNG7-PBX-64bit-2203-2

      • Release Date: 2022-03-22

      • FreePBX Version

      • OS Version: 12.7.8-2203-2.sng7

      • CentOS Base: 7.8.2003.3

      • Asterisk Versions

        • 13.38.3 (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

        • 16.24.1 (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

        • 17.9.4  (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

        • 18.10.1  (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

      • Changelog

        • Updated FreePBX modules.


  • Previous Releases

  • SNG7-PBX-64bit-2104-1

    • Release Date: 2021-04-30

    • FreePBX Version

    • OS Version: 12.7.8-2104-1.sng7

    • CentOS Base: 7.8.2003

    • Asterisk Versions

      • 13.38.2 (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

      • 16.17.0 (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

      • 17.9.3  (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

      • 18.0.3  (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

    • Changelog

      • Updated FreePBX modules.


    • SNG7-PBX-64bit-2011-5

      • Release Date: 2020-12-03

      • FreePBX Version

      • OS Version: 12.7.8-2011-7.sng7

      • CentOS Base: 7.8.2003

      • Asterisk Versions

        • 13.36.0 (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

        • 16.13.0 (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

        • 17.7.0  (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

      • Changelog

        • Updated FreePBX modules.

      • Known Issues

        • Timezone in installation wizard does not work - User has to set the timezone in Sysadmin Module

    • SNG7-PBX-64bit-2008-1

      • Release Date: 2020-08-14

      • FreePBX Version

      • OS Version: 12.7.8-2008-1.sng7

      • CentOS Base: 7.8.2003

      • Asterisk Versions

        • 13.34.0 (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

        • 16.11.1 (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

        • 17.5.1  (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

      • Changelog

        • Added support for Asterisk 17 on installation menu.

        • Updated base system to latest release (CentOS 7.8), rebuilt drivers for newer kernel;

        • Reverted to unmodified httpd package from CentOS, configuration adjustments now performed by sangoma-pbx package;

      • Known Issues

        • Timezone in installation wizard does not work - User has to set the timezone in Sysadmin Module

    • SNG7-PBX-64bit-2002-2

      • Release Date: 2020-02-18

      • FreePBX Version

      • OS Version: 12.7.6-2002-2.sng7

      • CentOS Base: 7.6.1810

      • Asterisk Versions

        • 13.29.2 (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

        • 16.6.2 (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

      • Changelog

        • Rebuilt sangoma-pbx (version 2002-2)

        • Fixed buildstamp (isoconfigs)

      • Known Issues

        • Vega Gateway module does not auto-install - User has to manually install the module via Module Admin

        • Timezone in installation wizard does not work - User has to set the timezone in Sysadmin Module


    • SNG7-PBX-64bit-2002-1

      • Release Date: 2020-02-10

      • FreePBX Version

      • OS Version: 12.7.6-1904-2.sng7

      • CentOS Base: 7.6.1810

      • Asterisk Versions

        • 13.29.2 (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

        • 16.6.2 (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

      • Changelog

        • Fix: Broken module installs on ISO bootstrap

        • Update: Up to date FreePBX Modules as of latest stable

      • Known Issues

        • Vega Gateway module does not auto-install - User has to manually install the module via Module Admin

        • Timezone in installation wizard does not work - User has to set the timezone in Sysadmin Module

    • SNG7-PBX-64bit-1904-2

      • Release Date: 2019-05-09

      • FreePBX Version

      • OS Version: 12.7.6-1904-2.sng7

      • CentOS Base: 7.6.1810

      • Asterisk Versions

        • 13.22.0 (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

        • 16.3.0 (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

      • Changelog

        • Update to 7.6.1810 from upstream

        • Update NodeJS to 8.16.0

        • Update PHP 5.6 to 5.6.40

        • Among others, the following packages have received rebaseing to more current upstream versions: samba, pki-core, gcc-libraries, elf-utils, GNOME shell, X11-server, ipset, firewalld, gnutls and libreswan.

        • SSL-cpabilites have been added to Net::SMTP.

        • Open-JDK-11 is now available.

        • pNFS SCSI is no longer a Technology Preview.

        • Thunderbolt-3 interfaces are now supported.

        • As always - various driver updates.

        • The following packages have been declared deprecated: Python 2, lvm2app, 3DES as part of Python, signtool, sendmail, dmraid, Btrfs filesystem, several rsyslog options, various drivers and others. More information can be found in the RHEL 7.6 Release Notes 3.

        • ipset users should note that as part of the above mentioned rebase, the location of saved ipset data has changed from /etc/sysconfig/ipset to /etc/sysconfig/ipset.d/ and the new directory now contains one file per saved ipset. Users with configuration management that sets up /etc/sysconfig/ipset will need to modify their setup.

    • SNG7-PBX-64bit-1805-1

      • Release Date: 2018-05-23

      • FreePBX Version

      • OS Version: 12.7.5-1805-1.sng7

      • Asterisk Versions

        • 13.19.1 (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

        • 15.4.0 (Includes Opus, Silk, and G729)

      • Changelog

        • Update to 7.5.1804 from upstream

        • Rework UEFI installation to allow serial console.

        • Speed up FreePBX RPM Installation dramatically

    • SNG7-PBX-64bit-1712-2

      • Release Date: 2017-12-21

      • FreePBX Version

      • OS Version: 12.7.4-1712-1.sng7

      • Asterisk Versions

        • 13.18.3

        • 14.7.3

        • 15.1.3

      • Changelog

        • Better UEFI Compatibility when installing from USB

        • Merge 1712 updates from upstream

        • 5% of disk space is now left unallocated, to allow for LVM snapshots to be used for backups

          • This can be reclaimed with 'lvmextend' if backups are not required

        • Open Source G729 codec is now present on installation

          • Older installations can activate it with the 'g729' command

        • Performance fixes for non-virtualized hardware (requires reboot)

        • New 'n Packages require update' on login

    • SNG7-PBX-64bit-1710-1

      • Version Name: 12.7.4-1710-1.sng7

      • Release Date: 2017-10-24

      • Stable

      • Asterisk Versions

        • 11.25

        • 13.18 (Includes Opus and Silk codecs)

        • 14.7 (Includes Opus and Silk codecs)

      • Change Logs

        • Update to Linux 

          • Update to Enterprise Linux 7.4 from 7.3 including all upstream new packages

    • SNG7-FPBX-64bit-1707-1

      • Release Date: 2017-07-24

      • Stable

      • Asterisk Versions

        • 11.25.1

        • 13.17.0 (Includes Opus and Silk codecs)

        • 14.6.0 (Includes Opus and Silk codecs)

      • Change Logs

        • Fixes for UEFI booting

        • Fixes for Booting from USB

        • Removes unused 'FreePBX HA' installation option

        • Added Python 3.6.1 (python36u)


    • SNG7-FPBX-64bit-1706-1

      • Release Date: 2017-06-20

      • Stable

      • Asterisk Versions

        • 11.24.1

        • 13.13.1 (Includes Opus and Silk codecs)

        • 14.2.3 (Includes Opus and Silk codecs)

      • Change Logs

        • FreePBX 14 Stable

    • SNG7-FPBX-64bit-1612-1

      • Release Date: 2016-12-20

      • Release Candidate

      • Change Logs

        • Update Asterisk

        • FreePBX 14 Release Candidate

    • SNG7-FPBX-64bit-1611-1

      • Release Date: 2016-11-17

      • Beta

      • Notable Features

        • FreePBX 14 Beta

        • Complete UEFI Support

        • Add ability to write directly to USB drive for installing from USB

        • Add kernel drivers that are missing from Upstream. 

        • These drivers are missing in the Upstream distribution. Adding them to SNG7 means that many machines that were previously unable to use RHEL7 (or its derivatives) are now able to install and run Sangoma OS 7.

        • Storage Drivers Added

          • HP CCISS SCSI Driver

        • Network Drivers Added

          • Via Rhine

          • Via Velocity

          • nVidia Forcedeth

        • Kernel Modules no longer require rebuilding

        • Asterisk, Dahdi and Wanpipe kernel modules are now built using the kABI, which removes the requirement to rebuild them for every kernel release. This means that upstream kernel upgrades will no longer have to be delayed while matching kernel modules are compiled






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