Phones - Checking Voicemail

Phones - Checking Voicemail

How to Know a New Voicemail is Available

The phone alerts you of new voicemail messages on your screen, with a flashing light, and with a special dial tone.

Icon and Message on Screen

  • If a new voicemail is available in your inbox, the phone will display the voicemail icon at the top of the screen. The quantity of new voicemails will also show in an alert message near the bottom of the screen.


Message Waiting Indicator (MWI) Light

  • The message waiting indicator light at the top right corner of the phone will flash.

Dial Tone

  • Your dial tone will be a series of short bursts followed by a steady tone, instead of only a steady tone.


How to Check your Voicemails

You can use the voicemail button, dial a feature code, or use the voicemail REST app to check your voicemail.

Voicemail Button

  • You can press the  (voicemail) button on your phone any time to check your voicemails.

Feature Codes

  • Dial one of the following feature codes to access voicemail. The feature codes below are the default feature codes setup on your PBX.  If you have changed your feature codes please review the wiki here on Feature Code module of your PBX.

    • *97: Access your own voicemail.

    • *98: Access your voicemail or another extension's voicemail. You will be prompted to enter a mailbox number.

Visual Voicemail

  • The Voicemail application (REST App) allows you to manage your voicemail messages from your phone.

  • View the wiki here on how to use Visual Voicemail.

Setting up a Visual Voicemail Button on your Phone

  • You can set up a Visual Voicemail button on your phone using the PBX EndPoint Manager by modifying your button layout for your Sangoma s500 or s700 Phones.

  • Go into End Point Manager in your PBX and choose the Sangoma brand in the menu.



  • Click on the template in End Point Manager that you want to change a button for.



  • Click on the Models menu tab at the top 



  • Select a model number you want to add a Visual Voicemail Button for


  • Scroll down to the first available Line Key that is not used.


  • From the drop-down menu of button Types, select XML-API.


  • From the Value drop-down menu, select REST-Voicemail.


  • The Label is the name that will be shown for that button on the phone's screen. By default, the REST-Voicemail button's label is "Voicemail." You can optionally change the label name to be something different.

  • You can also move the button to a different position if desired. To do this, click on the line key name, and while holding the mouse button down, drag the row to a new position (up or down). Then drop the button in the new position by releasing the mouse button.