Phone API Demos

Phone API Demos

Desk Phone API features described in this section are deprecated and supported only on the following models: D40, d45, d50, d60, d62, d65, d70




Printing 'Hello, world!' on the Phone's Screen

This sample app demonstrates how to create a window and display the simple greeting Hello World! on the screen of a Sangoma Phone.



Displaying a Big Clock on the Idle Screen

This sample app demonstrates how to display a big clock on the idle screen of a Sangoma Phone. When the app is opened from the Apps screen, the clock displays in its own window.



Displaying a Weather Application on the Idle Screen

This sample app demonstrates how to display the weather from a third-party weather application on the idle screen of a Sangoma Phone. The app displays temperature, weather condition, humidity, and wind speed for a specified zipcode. When the app is opened from the Apps screen, you can change the zipcode, temperature scale (F or C), and wind measurement units (MPH or KPH).



Displaying Enhanced Caller ID for an Incoming Call

This sample app demonstrates how to fetch and display enhanced incoming caller information on the screen of a Sangoma Phone.

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