Digium Phones - API Production Firmware 1.3 - Changes from Beta 1.2
Desk Phone API features described in this section are deprecated and supported only on the following models: D40, d45, d50, d60, d62, d65, d70
The Phone API Beta version was made available in Q42012. If you experimented with the Beta version, read this article to see what has changed in the production firmware 1.3.
Changes in Version 1.3
A digium.event namespace has been created that replaces the previous implementation of registering event callbacks through the properties of digium.handlers. Methods were added to digium.event to observe, trigger, and stop observing events. This allows multiple handlers to subscribe to the same event.
Apps control whether they are shutdown when they are hidden with digium.app.exitAfterBackground.
Localization tools have changed
The documentation
Structure and discussion of JavaScript modules reorganized in API Reference section. Many more APIs have been documented also.
Examples rewritten (new zip files) in the Demos section
Creating and Handling Calls article added to Guides section
Getting Version 1.3
If you are going from Beta 1.2 to the production version 1.3, you don't need to download a specific firmware version from this site; rather retrieve the production firmware the way you normally would.