WebGUI: Basic Call Routing

WebGUI call routing (also referred to as Basic call routing), uses the graphic user interface of the SBC to allow users to create routing rules.
It is modeled so that anyone would be able to create almost any type of scenario without the need to learn XML.

  • Each basic dialplan can have multiple rules associated with it.

    • Each rule deals with a specific condition which needs to be met.

    • You can program the rule to continue to the next rule if it passes or fails.

WebGUI Call Routing Section

Navigate to Configuration -> Call Routing


  • Basic Call Routing – Default

    • This section deals with default parameters for that particular dialplan.

  • Rules

    • This section deals with the specific rules which will be processed within the dialplan.

    • Each rule is described based on the selections chosen within the rule configuration.


Call Routing Default Parameters


  • The default parameters identify the description of the dialplan, and what the default SIP response code will be in an event of a failure.

  • Description

    • Description of what the dialplan will accomplish.

  • Trace Call

    • Whether the dialplan/call routing profile will include a trace within the SBC logging.

  • Default Response

    • Default SIP response code which will be sent in the event that the dialplan cannot process the call which is handed to it.


Call Routing Rule Creation

Navigate to Configuration -> Call Routing section and select Add Rule


  • Condition section

    • Can set up to 15 conditions which the rule will validate against.

    • The rank is the priority of that rule within the dialplan.

    • The stop policy determines whether the dialplan should stop processing if the rule matches, or whether it should continue to the next rule.

  • Actions to perform if condition matches section

    • Can set up up to 15 actions to perform if the conditions set are matched.

    • Can be different actions

      • Example: bridge to another trunk and log the transfer within the SBC logs.

  • Actions to perform if condition doesn’t match section

    • Can set up to 15 actions to perform if the condition does not match.

    • Can be different actions

      • Example: hangup the call with a specific SIP response code and log the call within the SBC logs.

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