What is the address for returning RMAs?
What is the address for returning RMAs
When Technical Support approves an RMA, our RMA system sends you an email asking to complete the RMA. When doing so, you are required to select the RMA type, enter shipping information and, in some cases depending on the options that were selected, provide credit card information.
After you complete the RMA request in the system, an email will be sent to your email address with instruction on how you can ship the defective product to our facilities. Please do not ship any defective product before completing the RMA in the system, as we would not know where to ship the replacement. To check on your RMA status, please visit our RMA page.
If you have completed the RMA in the system but cannot locate the RMA email, the defective product can be shipped to one of the following addresses. Please note that you must ship to the proper location, depending of the type of RMA that has been approved.
For all RMA types other than RMA-A-DCS:
Sangoma RMAs
135-F Westchester Road
Madison, AL 35758
For RMA-A-DCS type only:
135-F Westchester Road
Madison, AL 35758
If you are unsure where to ship the defective product, please check theRMA pageto confirm the RMA type or reach out our Technical Support Team.