Transaction History

  • At anytime you can view your current Transaction history of all orders, invoices, credit notes and payments and download a PDF version of the statement.

  • In the top right menu bar click on Transaction History

  • You will now see all Orders, Invoices, Credit Notes and Payments within the last 30 days.  You can change the start and end date to be a different range.

  • You can change the start and end date to be a different range and pressing Apply Filters


  • You can also download the Transaction Report as PDF for saving and printing by pressing the Download PDF button

  • If you would like to include a PDF copy of each Order and Invoice you can check the box that says Include Attached Invoices and Orders and a PDF copy of each invoice will be including in the PDF download of the Statement.

  • You can click on the Invoice, Order or Credit Note number to have a copy of the transaction be opened in a new tab that you can view and/or print.

  • At the bottom of the Transaction Report are 3 totals

    • Total - Is the Total due of all unpaid invoices

    • Credit Limit - Is the Credit Limit amount that you have been approved and setup with in Sangoma.

    • Credit Available - Is the Credit Limit amount minus the Total due and also minus any open orders that have not invoices yet.  You can see a list of open orders by following this wiki Sales-Open Order Report By Item


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