Softphones - Sangoma Phone Desktop Client Call Parking

The following content only applies to FreePBX and PBXact platforms

Softphones - Sangoma Phone Desktop Client Call Parking

Usage Requirements

PBX Modules

Please find below minimum module versions to fulfill the dependency requirement for Sangoma Phone Desktop Client Chat. Most of them might be available in the EDGE.

  • Sangoma Connect v15.0.43.2 or v16.0.30.1 (required)

    • Sangomartapi v15.0.37  or v16.0.31.13 (required)

    • Sysadmin v15.0.29.1 or v16.0.17 (required)

    • Restapps v15.0.29 or v16.0.24.7 (required)

    • Parking Lot v15.0.15.4 or v16.0.4 (required)

    • Firewall v15.0.35 or v16.0.53 (not required, recommended minimum version if Firewall module is being used)

    • Framework v15.0.23.7 or v16.0.20 (required)

Admin Configuration

Parking Lot

This module is used to configure Parking Lot(s). One can transfer a call to the Parking Lot Extension (70 by default), the call will then be placed into a lot (71-78 by default).

Parking Lot Pro

This module enables the user to configure new parking lots in addition to the default parking lot. This module also allows the user to set the default parking lot for each extension. This can be set from the Other tab in Extensions page.

Sangoma Phone Desktop Client

When a call is answered from Sangoma Phone Desktop Client, the user can park the call using the Park button. The call will be then placed into an empty slot of the default parking lot extension of the user. 

The parked calls of the user will listed in the Parking tab. This tab will list only those calls which are parked in the default parking lot extension of the user. The user can retrieve any of the parked calls by clicking on the parked lot number.


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