Switchvox - Release Notes Version 6.1 FAQs

Switchvox - Release Notes Version 6.1 FAQs

The following questions are for Switchvox Cloud & On-Premises customers. The section at the end of this article, On-Premises, offers information specific to on-premises customers.

What is the difference between the old version and 6.1?

Please see https://sangomakb.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Switchvox/pages/529530930 .

Which web browsers can I use with the Switchvox Web Suite?

Please see https://sangomakb.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Switchvox/pages/447873049 .

I have the old Switchboard, when will I be able to use the new Switchboard?

Switchvox Cloud customers will receive an email with 30 days notice of the date and time of their update to version 6.1. 

Switchvox appliance customers will find an update to version 6.1 in the administrator's Updates page on or after 3/1/16.

Is any of my data lost in the update to the new Switchboard?

Yes. If you update and then do nothing about Switchboards, each phone-user will open a blank Switchboard. However, version 6 has a new admin tool, Switchboard Layouts, which lets the Switchvox admin build Layouts and assign them to users. And, it's easy for phone-users to set up their own Switchboard Layouts.

All other Switchvox data is maintained in the update from 5.11.1 to 6.1.

Can the new Switchboard be static on the screen now?

The Switchboard is viewed within a web browser. 

Does the new Switchboard include a desktop softphone?


How do I transfer calls in the new Switchboard?

Each active call in My Calls has a Transfer button. Once you click Transfer on a call, each Switchvox contact has a Complete and a Voicemail button. Click to open a contact, and press the Voicemail button if you want the call to go directly to the contact's voicemail. Otherwise, Complete transfers the call.

Why doesn't the Switchboard's Contacts & Tags Widget show External Contacts?

The purpose of this widget is to show the calls and the Status of the contacts that are listed. External Contacts don't have calls or Status.

Why does the Switchboard Hold function remove the call from my phone?

When you press Hold on a call in the My Calls widget, the call is placed into a temporary parking lot and only you can answer the call. When you Resume the call from the Switchboard, your phone will ring and you can answer to continue the call.

Can I use Switchvox Notifier, or Switchvox Mobile with version 6.1?

No. For 6.1 and later, the Switchvox Softphone is available for iOS and Android.

Can I use Switchvox Dial plugins with 6.1?


Can I use faxing with 6.1?

Yes, but you will need to set it up first. Please see https://sangomakb.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Switchvox/pages/406257706 .

The Switchboard doesn't have a Salesforce panel anymore, where is that now?

For Salesforce.com users, your Switchvox extension can now be used right within the Salesforce.com call center. See the setup and user articles for more information.

Does the dial-box in the 6.1 Switchboard do lookups in the directory or contacts?

No, the dial-box lets you dial phone numbers. You can use the search box in the Contacts window to look up a contact in Switchvox.

Does the 6.1 Switchboard use Flash?


Does the Polycom phone firmware version change in version 6.1?

No. If you are using Phone Feature Packs to configure Polycom phones, the firmware version remains the same when you update from 5.11 to 6.1.

Switchvox On-Premises Only

When an appliance updates from version 5.11.1 to version 6.1, what size is the file that is downloaded?

Approximately 1.5G.

Will Switchvox 6 run on an older Switchvox appliance?

To use recent versions of Switchvox, we recommend using a recent Switchvox appliance (80, 310, 360, 380, 450, 470). While it's possible to run recent versions of Switchvox on older appliances, you may experience a degradation in performance as the software, and your use of its features progresses past the capabilities of your appliance.

If I have two Peered Switchvoxes, one a cloud service and the other an appliance, how should those be updated? 

Please let technical support know that your Cloud service should not be updated because you are peering to an appliance. Then, when the appliance can be updated, coordinate with technical support to update both Switchvoxes.

Will the performance specifications change for the appliances?


Can I continue running Switchvox in version 5.x?

Yes. But, if you are experiencing bugs, or you want access to new features, you will need to update to the latest version.

Will the telephony card compatibility change for the appliances?



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