Switchboard appears as a blank page
What to do when Switchboard only displays a blank page
This article provides steps to address an issue where the the Switchboard loads as a blank page for one or more users. Other /admin and /main Web Interfaces will perform as expected, but the Switchboard does not.
This issue is uncommon, but when it does happen, it typically presents immediately after a Switchvox Update to a new software version. In these scenarios, the underlying cause is a contact update routine that has not fully completed yet, and will normally resolve itself within an hour following the update's completion. If that time has passed, perform a System Reboot. In the event that the issue still occurs, please perform the following steps.
Log into the /admin interface
Go to Tools > External Contacts
Click on Import External Contact Sheet.
If you don't have an external contact upload, Go to Step 6
Backup the contact file and then Delete it from the PBX. (most likely this file is corrupted and you need to review it manually)
Create a new external contact file using the dummy.csv example below
Upload the dummy contact file
Delete the dummy contact file
Wait approximately 5 minutes for the contact files to be generated by the system
Reboot the PBX
Confirm that the Switchboard is now working as expected
first_name, last_name, organization, job_title, location, email_address, primary_number, primary_number_label, secondary_number, secondary_number_label, jabber_id, subscription_url