Replacing Hard Drives With RAID Card In Switchvox Appliance

Replacing Hard Drives With RAID Card In Switchvox Appliance

In an appliance with a RAID configuration, Digium recommends replacing a bad hard drive with a drive that is the same make, model, and capacity of the existing drive. Or, replace both drives with identical drives. Then rebuild the RAID Array; or you can search our Knowledgebase articles for instructions on the type RAID card installed in the appliance.

On the 360 appliance, if the hard drives are not detected, the server will default to PXE boot. After the hard drives are plugged back in, if the server still attempts a PXE boot, then you must adjust the BIOS settings to place the hard drives back to the first boot priority. Reboot (cycle power) to enter BIOS (on most appliances, press Delete or F2 during POST). Next, select Boot Menu, from top menu bar, to get to Boot Options; and set the hard drive first in the boot order.


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