How do I use Switchvox for Salesforce Lightning?

How do I use Switchvox for Salesforce Lightning?

The Switchvox for Salesforce Lightning app works within Salesforce Lightning to handle basic chores for you, so you can focus on your customer. The app is available for Switchvox customers who are Salesforce users, or are considering using Salesforce.

If you are not yet migrated to Salesforce Lightning, see How do I set up the Switchvox Salesforce Plugin?. That is an older plugin that is no longer actively maintained, but it's available if you're not yet using Lightning.


  • Service on a Salesforce edition that uses Salesforce Lightning, and offers the Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) and Apex

  • A phone extension on a Switchvox server:

    • Version 6.7.1 or later will work with the app. However, the app requires Switchvox version 7.4 or later to work with the Chrome browser version 80 or later.

    • Active Subscriptions (cannot be expired)

Install the App in Your Salesforce Lightning Service

  1. Log into your Salesforce Lightning service.

  2. Download the Switchvox CTI from Salesforce.

  3. Go to Setup > Call Center

  4. Choose call center named OpenCTIT

  5. Modify CTI Adapter URL as indicated, including your Switchvox's hostname

  6. On the Demo Call Center Adapter page, click Manage Call Center Users, and add users that you want to use the Open CTIT Softphone 

  7. From Setup, use the App Manager to create a new Lightning app (see the Salesforce Docs for help with this):

    • Use Console Navigation (app options)

    • Include the OpenCTI utility (utility items)

    • Define which users can access this new Lightning app (user profiles).

IMPORTANT: the Salesforce Softphone Layout assigned to your users must support incoming calls, the relevant objects (leads, accounts, and contacts), and screen pops within the existing browser window.

If you have a problem dialing external phone numbers, it might be helpful to read How Do I Allow 10-Digit Dialing?

Set up a Switchvox Extension

These instructions are for the Salesforce Lightning end-user, who has a SIP Phone extension on Switchvox.

Check with your Switchvox administrator if you do not already know your Switchvox extension and login password. (Note: you might enter a directory services login and password, instead of a Switchvox extension). 

  1. Click the Switchvox app icon.

  2. Enter the Switchvox address, your extension, and your login password.

After the app connects to Switchvox, you will be able to use the app's feature-set.

Handling Calls

On an incoming call, the app automatically uses the caller ID to search for matching Salesforce records: contacts, accounts, and leads in Salesforce. Those matching contacts, accounts, and leads are displayed in the Switchvox app: In the Calls tab for an incoming call, and in the Call Log tab for each item. Click on the record icon to open that record in your Salesforce screen. Click elsewhere in that row to log a call for that record. 

You can:

  • In Salesforce, click a phone number to call a Salesforce contact, account, or lead.

  • In the app, easily create a new contact from caller ID. Leads and accounts cannot be created using the Switchvox app.

  • In the app, easily create a log of the call on an existing lead, account, or contact. To log a call, click the Plus icon on the record where you want to create the log. When you create the log, the app automatically includes the following information:

    • Caller ID

    • Date and time

    • Direction: inbound or outbound

Switchvox Tools

  • Access your Switchvox Call Log (which includes caller ID, date, and duration of your recent calls)

  • Log in, log out, or pause one or all queues

  • Change your Status


Affected Version(s)


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