Switchvox - Release Notes Version 7.8.1

Switchvox - Release Notes Version 7.8.1

This article describes Switchvox version 7.8.1 (102259).

See also: 7.8

This version requires version 7.0 (94939). See the article Switchvox - Release Notes Version 7.0  for instructions on migrating to version 7.0.  Please note that users may need to clear their web browser cache after the update, so any changes from your prior version are displayed correctly.


This Switchvox version includes

  • Push notification support for the Switchvox Chat mobile apps version 2.0 for iOS and Android. Version 2.0 includes missed calls and unread voicemail notifications to support the new Call Log and Voicemail tools in the apps.

  • Improved Missed Calls notifications for the desktop and mobile apps, so that notifications are removed once the Switchvox Call Log is displayed on the desktop or the mobile app. Also, calls no longer display incorrectly as Missed when the call was actually answered. If the user's call rules employed a Ring All action, and one of the user's phones declined the call with a 603 or 466, for example using DND on Sangoma Connect Mobile, the call would incorrectly display as Missed.

Issues Resolved:

  • Hot-desking login now correctly refers to the latest voicemail PIN when using an additional phone extension (where previously it referred to a user's older voicemail PIN).

  • Updated Emergency Calling Alert text to look like the following.

    • Logged out hot-desking phone:
      "911. A logged out phone (000FD30B9F70) at San Diego <1112223333> dialed 911 on Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 9:57:47 AM."

    • Logged in hot-desking phone:
      "911 was dialed. Hot Desking Harry <101> at San Diego <1112223333> dialed 911 on Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 10:03:17 AM."

    • Phone with location, not hot-desking:
      "911 was dialed. DPhone Denis <200> at San Diego <1112223333> dialed 911 on Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 10:04:40 AM."

    • Phone with no location:
      "911 was dialed. DPhone Denis <200> dialed 911 on Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 10:03:45 AM."

  • Emergency Dialing Alerts now display the correct Location Name when the location of that phone changes, without having to log out and back into the phone. (The emergency call's outgoing call rule was used correctly in version 7.8, only the Location Name in the Emergency Alert was affected by this issue.)

  • Calls with talk time of 0 are now reflected correctly in reports.

  • A call is now correctly recorded when unparked by an Additional Phone extension on a Main extension with automatic recording.

  • A Desktop Softphone extension can no longer be "stolen" for use on a desk phone. To re-assign the phone for an extension, assign the phone type of "None" to the extension (using the Manage Phones tool), and then configure the desk phone.

  • When editing the user's Rapid Dial (Favorites), the *Add External Contacts* button is now correctly available even after displaying an Admin Rapid Dial list.

  • When an extension is created with an invalid special character in the config, the proper error message is now displayed.

  • Corrected some issues with voicemail mailbox translations to a language other than English.

  • The Manage Phones tool now correctly allows changing the desk phone's MAC address.

  • A Busy Signal played in an IVR can now be correctly heard by a caller who was transferred to the IVR extension.

  • The API method switchvox.convergedDevices.getList no longer fails with a database error.

  • Additional improvements to matching SMS messages to contacts.

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