How Do I Set Up Switchvox to Dial the 988 Suicide Prevention Lifeline?
To do this, you must be a Switchvox administrator with the correct permissions.
First, ensure that you do not already have an extension with the number 988.
Outgoing Call Rules
In Setup > Outgoing Calls, on the Outgoing Call Rules tab, add a new rule with a Name and Note of your choice.
The Pattern to Match should be exactly 988, here this that definition:
Ensure the Call Through information is correct.
Set Is this rule final? to YES
Set Emergency Calling Rule to NO, so that an alert email is not sent via the Alerts Manager.
Put the 988 rule right under the 911 rule.
Use the Bulk Modify tool to modify your extensions so that their Outgoing Call Rules allow them to dial the new call rule (if you did not allow this when you created the rule)
Additional Tasks
Modify your existing extensions' Dial Plan so that they can dial the 988 immediately, and avoid a lag in placing the call
Use the Setup > Templates tool to ensure that newly created SIP extensions will have the correct Dial Plan