Diagnostics (5.X)
The Diagnostics tools give you views of the call activity in Switchvox and help you evaluate potential problems:
Connection Status
This tool displays Connection Status information for the following entities connected to Switchvox:
VOIP Providers
SIP Phones
Hardware Devices
Fax Print Jobs
VOIP Providers
This tool lists the following information for each VoIP provider:
Name of the provider as entered when the provider was created
Host that Switchvox connects to when registering and sending calls
Account ID
Callback Extension that incoming calls are sent to by default
Latency (ms)
State of the connection. This value is Registered when the system is operating properly. If it is not, outgoing calls will fail and incoming calls cannot be received. Here are some common reasons a VOIP provider is in a non-registered state and a resolution:
VOIP provider has just been entered and the registration has not finished yet. Wait a few minutes and then refresh the page.
Username or password are incorrect. Check to make sure you have entered them correctly.
Firewall is not allowing the communication between Switchvox and your provider to flow freely. When you use a SIP-aware firewall, it recognizes the data being sent back and forth. A normal router does not require any special configuration, but a SIP-aware firewall does. Contact the manufacturer of the firewall for details on setting up any necessary routing rules.
SIP Phones
This tool lists all phone Extensions with their respective Caller ID, User Agent, IP Address, and Phone State.
Phone States. The following are possible phone states:
Registered. This indicates the phone is configured properly and is on the network.
Timeout: This indicates the phone was registered at some point, but the server no longer recognizes it and does not send calls to this phone anymore.
Unreachable. This indicates the phone is not registered with Switchvox.
If a phone is not registered but it should be, check the following:
The phone should be set to register every 120 seconds. Some phones are by default set to only register once. See your phone’s user manual for more information about this setting.
The phone must know the Switchvox IP address, and it must have the same password as the "Phone Password" for the extension. For more information on configuring your phone, see your phone's manual or call your phone's technical support.
The phone must be ON, its Ethernet cord plugged into the phone and the correct Ethernet jack, and it must be on the same LAN as Switchvox (not on a separate partitioned LAN subnet).
There should be no firewall between your phone and Switchvox that could block your phone from accessing Switchvox.
NOTE: If a SIP phone is not in a Registered state, click its Diagnose button to run a diagnostic tool for that phone.
External Phones. Phones are considered External if they are not on the same network as Switchvox. This generally means they have to connect to Switchvox over the Internet, or they are located on a separately partitioned network. External phones cannot go through the full diagnostics because Switchvox does not have direct access to these phones.
Finding the IP Address of your SIP Phone. To run the diagnostic tool, you need to know the IP address for your phone.
Polycom Soundpoint IP 300/301/500/501/600/601 Each phone is set up to obtain its IP address via DHCP. You can find the IP address of a Polycom phone by pressing the Menu button on your phone. Then, on the LCD screen of your phone highlight "Status..." and press select and then highlight "Network..." and press select again, then highlight "TCP/IP Parameters..." and press select. Now find the line that starts with "IP:" and write down the IP Address.
Sipura ATA. Connect a phone to the jack labeled "Phone 1" on the front of your ATA. Then on the phone dial "****" you will then hear a voice say "Configuration Menu". Then dial "110#" and it will read back the IP address of your ATA.
Hardware Devices
This tool lists all the channels on the hardware devices installed for Switchvox and an alarm state for each. The state of these channels, if properly connected, should be No Alarm. If any other alarm state is shown (a RED Alarm or a Loss of Signal), check that the device is plugged into the correct line and that you have the appropriate signaling type selected.
Fax Print Jobs
This tool lists the current Print Jobs for faxes.
These Print Jobs occur when an extension-owner is creating a fax from his or her desktop computer.
Current Calls
This tool lists all current calls. It shows the person who called, the person who took the call, the duration of the call (in seconds), the current state of the call, and the provider. To hang up on a call, click Hangup, then click Yes, Hangup.
Server Information
This offers information about the health of the Switchvox server. As long as the Current Status for each item is Good, the hardware is fine. If a field is over threshold, it needs immediate attention.
memory. If memory is over threshold, one option is to turn the system off (wait afew moments), then turn it back on. This normally frees up the memory usage. Another option is to install more RAM. You can also attempt to identify the process that is overloading the memory (call recording, concurrent calls, concurrent conference calls, etc.), and stop that process.
disk. If disk is over threshold, check voicemail, fax, call recordings, and backups to find out what is taking up the disk space.
load. If load is over threshold, check Diagnostics > Current Calls to see if the system is hitting a peak (spike) amount of concurrent calls.
Advanced Server Information. A Switchvox Technical Support representative may ask you check this area for a specific issue. In most cases, you will not need to use this tool.
Disk Usage
The Disk Usage Breakdown tab shows an overview of the disk usage.
The Mailbox Usage Breakdown tab shows the disk space in use by each extension for voicemail. For information about disk-space quotas, see General Settings in the Profile Info article.
The Disk Usage Settings tab lets you control how certain types of content are stored on disk.
Chat File Attachments max disk space
This is the maximum amount of space that will be used by all files that are attached to internal chat or external SMS messages. The oldest file(s) will be permanently deleted to maintain this level of disk use.Chat File Attachment max size
This is the maximum size of file that can be uploaded to internal chat messages and therefore stored on disk. (External SMS messages are limited to 2MB, and are therefore reduced in size before sending and storing on disk.)Months to keep call logs
Call Logs that are older than this number of months are permanently deleted.Months to keep queue logs
Queue Logs that are older than this number of months are permanently deleted.
If you do not want to delete call or queue logs, leave the field blank. Alternately you could also put a zero in the field. Either way it won't delete the logs.
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is used to monitor devices on an IP network. If you are not already using SNMP, then you can ignore these settings. If you are already using SNMP, you can monitor the OIDs that the Switchvox agent provides.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to allow SNMP traffic in Switchvox Access Control. (By default, SNMP traffic is not allowed).
SNMP v1/v2c Community Name. Enter the Community Name for the SNMP community to which Switchvox should belong.
SNMP v3 User Name. Enter the SNMP User Name if you are using SNMP version 3.
SNMP v3 Password. Enter the SNMP Password if you are using SNMP version 3.
Switchvox OIDs
The Switchvox prefix is .
.1 Switchvox Information
. software version
. max concurrent calls
. used feature packs
. max feature packs
. used extensions
. max extensions
.2 VOIP Providers
. number of VOIP providers
. number of state 'Ok' VOIP providers
. first VOIP provider id
. first VOIP provider type
. first VOIP provider name
. first VOIP provider host
. first VOIP provider account id
. first VOIP provider callback extension
. first VOIP provider latency
. first VOIP provider state
.[2-xxx].[1-8] details for each additional VOIP provider
.3 Hardware Status
. memory used
. memory total
. swap used
. swap total
. last update (memory/swap)
. disk used
. disk total
. last update (disk)
. load
.4 Phone Status
. number of SIP phones
. number of reachable SIP phones
. first phone id
. first phone extension
. first phone caller id
. first phone user agent
. first phone ip address
. first phone state
.[2-xxx].[1-6] details for each additional phone
. number of reachable SIP phones
.5 Current Calls
. total current calls
. number of calls in state 'agent_login'
. number of calls in state 'agent_logout'
. number of calls in state 'checking_voicemail'
. number of calls in state 'conference'
. number of calls in state 'directory'
. number of calls in state 'faxing'
. number of calls in state 'intercom'
. number of calls in state 'ivr'
. number of calls in state 'leaving_voicemail'
. number of calls in state 'monitoring'
. number of calls in state 'parked'
. number of calls in state 'queued'
. number of calls in state 'receiving_fax'
. number of calls in state 'ringing'
. number of calls in state 'talking'
. number of calls in state 'unknown'
.6 Telephony Cards
. number of devices
. number of state 'Ok' devices
. first device id
. first device name
. first device channel
. first device channel group
. first device signalling
. first device state
.[2-xxx].[1-6] details for each additional device
.7 Switchvox Subscription
. expire date
. days left
.8 RAID Controller controller status logical device status device #0 status device #1 status
Other OIDs
The Switchvox agent provides some additional OIDs that are not specific to the Switchvox application.
Error Logs
These tools are for our customer service representatives to help you with problems you might have with Switchvox. You do not need to use these tools unless we ask you to. The tools included here are simple error logs, advanced error logs, and advanced debugging sessions.
Advanced Debugging
We recommend that you do not use this tool unless you are being directed by a technical support representative. These debugging sessions collect detailed PCAP, PRI, or ACLI information to help you see exactly what is happening in Switchvox. The information can be useful in identifying the source of a problem; however, these sessions place an additional load on Switchvox system resources.
Technical Support
These tools are for Switchvox Technical Support representatives to help you with problems that you might have with Switchvox.
IMPORTANT: You do not need to, and should not use these tools unless it is at the request of a Switchvox Technical Support representative.
Technical Support Access lets us access your machine to help diagnose a problem. You must enable Technical Support Access to use the VPN connection. If you disable it, then all access to your system will be closed, including an open VPN connection. A Technical Service Request (TSR) can be downloaded, then sent to Switchvox Technical Support.
Affected Version(s)
SMB 5.7