How do I use Switchvox Dial?

How do I use Switchvox Dial?

Switchvox Dial is for your web browser, and makes it easy to dial a phone number on a webpage using Switchvox.

After you add Switchvox Dial to your browser, enter your Switchvox hostname or IP address, your Switchvox extension number, and your password to your Switchvox extension. Click Save, and you can now dial from your browser.

  1. Select any phone number on a web page with your mouse (highlight the entire number), then right click and select Dial. When your phone rings, pick it up to connect to the call.

  2. Right-click anywhere on a web page to highlight the phone numbers on that page. Click any highlighted number; when your phone rings, pick it up to connect to the call.

Install Switchvox Dial for Firefox From a File
Download the appropriate file for your operating system:

Open Firefox and select Add-ons from the Tools menu. Click to Manage Add-ons, then Install Add-on from a file.


Chrome Extension:

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