How to Configure Pidgin with Switchvox 6.x

NOTE:  As of version and higher, this KB is not supported as external XMPP Clients are not supported and cannot be configured with Switchvox.
Please see release notes HERE.

Network Settings

  1. Go to Server->IP Configuration->Advanced

  2. Enter in either a FQDN or the IP Address of the Switchvox in to the "Jabber Hostname" field. 

Configure Extension

  1. Login to the extension by going to Setup->Manage and Login to the extension that you are configuring. 

  2. Once Logged in go to Features->My Contacts

  3. Select the "Subscriptions" button in the top right corner and select "Subscribe to Contact"

  4. Either enter an Extension or show a list of extensions by click on the magnifier glass. 

  5. Once you have selected the extensions that you want to be able to see in your Jabber client select "Add" and then "Save" 

Configure Pidgin

  1. In Pidgin, select the Accounts menu followed by Manage Accounts 

  2. ​​In the Basic tab, fill in the following information:

    • Protocol: XMPP

    • Username: Extension Number

    • Domain: The Jabber Hostname from the IP Configuration Page 

    • Password: The extension's alphanumeric password (the one used to login to the interface and not the number voicemail password). 

  3. In the Advanced tab, in the Connection Security dropdown select "Use encryption if available".

    • Note: In the below screenshots, there are two accounts configured to confirm that logged in/out status is properly showing. 

  4. You can now save the account. Pidgin should automatically populate the buddy list with extensions that were previously subscribed to.

  5. If you need to manually add a button, follow the format in the last picture of this article. 

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