How Do I Allow 10-digit Dialing?

How Do I Allow 10-digit Dialing?

By default, Switchvox handles outgoing external calls by assuming people will dial out with a prefix of 9. If you do not want your coworkers to have to dial a 9 before calling outside of Switchvox, you can add Outgoing Call Rules that do not expect or require the 9.

This is a good idea if you are using Switchvox apps like the Switchvox Softphone in Cellular mode, iPhone contacts in the Softphone app, Call Back features from a Digium Phone, etc. Also, it makes it easier for everyone if they can create External Contacts with just a 10-digit phone number.

Outgoing Call Rules Setup > Call Routing > Outgoing Calls

The simplest way to ‘lose the 9’ is to create a new 10-digit dialing rule. You might have special circumstances, but the following is a recommendation for how to structure the rule:

  • Number begins with the digits (2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)

  • The rest of the number must be between 9 and 9 digits

  • Before connecting the call, trim 0 digits from the front, and then prepend the digits [1] to the number. (Prepend this 1 as specified by your provider. It may be required, or may not be allowed.)

If you have coworkers who are likely to dial a 1 and then the 10-digit number, you may want to handle that dial pattern also. In that case:

  • Number begins with the digits 1(2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)

  • The rest of the number must be between 9 and 9 digits

  • Before connecting the call, trim 1 digits from the front as specified by your provider. It may be required, or may not be allowed.

Call API Settings in Each Extension’s Advanced Profile Information

If a coworker is using Switchvox apps like the Switchvox Softphone in Cellular mode, or other tools that create calls with the Switchvox API, then you probably want to turn off any prepended digits for those users.
In each extension’s Advanced Profile Information:

  • Turn off the Call API Setting that prepends a 9

  • Turn off the Call API Setting that prepends a 1

Important: If someone uses Additional Phones, make these changes to their Main extension.

Additional Phones as an External Phone Number

If you are using 10-digit dialing as described here, do not enter an Outgoing Dial Prefix when you create the external phone number. Be sure to correctly enter the 10-digit external phone number.

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