Vega Gateways - Vega Release 13.0

Vega Gateways - Vega Release 13.0

What is Vega Release 13.0?

Release 13.0 is the next major release for the Vega range of gateways for the Vega gateways. It has three major changes:

  • Support for IPv6

  • Reworking of the networking and network services configuration

  • Security Enhancement

Release 13.0 is currently in Limited Availability. This page describes the major differences to the GA release stream.

Limited Availability

LA Releases

A limited availability release is a release stream that does not have have the same feature set as the mainstream GA release. It is fully tested and production ready but may have some missing or extra features. Please contact Sangoma to discuss your requirements before deploying in a production environment.

Platform Support

The table below shows the support for Release 13.0 on the different Vega platforms.



Vega 100G, 200G, 400G, 400GF

Vega 3000G, 3050G, 60G FXS/FXO

Vega 60G BRI

Vega 60Gv2

Vega 4x4

Feature Support

The table below shows the major feature support in R13.0. There may be other differences so please contact Sangoma to discuss your requirements before production deployment.




Management interfaces

TCP/UDP SIP Signalling

TLS SIP Signalling

RTP Media

SRTP Media






New Features

IPv6 Support

IPv6 support has been added on Vega and once can achieve the same by setting proper IPv6 configuration and explained in LAN core config section explained in next section.

VEGA status page will provide the IPv6 respective information as present/applied on Lan profile related to LAN interface present as shown below:

For detailed information user can always click on LAN Information button as in previous release.

Updated Networking Configuration

To simplify the networking configuration some changes have been made to the structure of the configuration database. An overview of the major changes is given here.

Physical Interface Configuration

The physical characteristics of each LAN port can be configured under Expert Config > LAN/WAN > LNA Configuration.

IP Configuration

IP information is configured used LAN Profiles. These can be found under Expert Config > LAN/WAN > LAN Profiles.

A LAN profile consists of a combination of the addressing information and the physical interface and VLAN it will be assigned to. A number of profiles are created and assigned by default. Further profiles can be created as required to support VLANs or multiple IP addresses.

Network Services Configuration

Under Expert Config > Services > Server Profile the user can assign which services will be active on which LAN profiles. Each service can be assigned to run on any combination of profiles or disabled completely.

DHCP Configuration

A number of system parameters can be configured via DHCP. In case of multiple LAN profiles with DHCP enabled the source for each option can be specified under Expert Config > Services > DHCP Options Profile.

Security Enhancements

Admin Default Password

For release 13.0 the Vega default password will be unique to each unit. It will be the same as the serial number. The serial number is the same as the lowest number MAC address of the unit and can be found on the nameplate of the unit.

It can also be found in the banner available via the console port.

--------------------------------------------------------------- -- Version: VEGA Runtime System -- Serial #: 005058006eb0 -- (c) 1998-2019 Sangoma Technologies Inc. All rights reserved. --------------------------------------------------------------- Host name:localhost LAN 1 IP: LAN 2 IP: System licensed for 2 TDM<-->SIP calls


Password Change Mechanisms

On first login the admin user is prompted to set a new password before any further configuration is possible.

Removal of Telnet support

Support for login via telnet has been removed. SSH should be used instead.

Protection against web vulnerabilities

Sangoma have added protection to prevent CSRF attacks, XSS and click-jacking.

Upgrading to Release 13.0

As there have been major changes to the network configuration database it is necessary to do a full factory reset of the unit. Please follow the instructions below.

  • Take a backup of the current configuration

  • Upgrade the Vega software

  • When the system has rebooted run the FACTORY RESET FULL command from the CLI or GUI. To run the command from the GUI select Expert Config>CLI, enter the command and press Send


  • When the command has completed reboot the Vega as show below

  • After the unit has rebooted upgrade the DSP image if required

  • Upload the backup of the original configuration.


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