Vega Gateways - Vega 400GF

Vega Gateways - Vega 400GF


Dialogic DMG2000 to Sangoma Vega 400GF for SR140 Fax Applications


Vega 400GF is a variation of the Vega 400G specifically designed for fax customers, and replaces the End of Life Dialogic® DMG 2000 series of gateways. The 400GF includes hardware Error Correction and a High Precision Clock for accurate fax transmission.

This guide describes how to setup a Sangoma Vega 400GF, and is geared especially for existing DMG 2000 customers using Fax in SR140 or equivalent applications.                                                


While IP-to-TDM gateway configuration across different makes and models is based on the same telephony concepts, configuration interfaces vary.  This document provides a quick start guide to users of the Dialogic DMG 2000 with SR140 fax solution who are migrating to a Sangoma Vega 400GF with SR140 fax solution.  This document is not intended to replace the Vega 400GF manuals, since it is not a complete configuration guide, but rather focuses on key areas that relate to fax functionality.


Users are advised to first familiarize themselves with the Initial configuration Vega 400 E1/T1 (SIP) – R7 manual, since the areas discussed here will only be complementary that.

Configuration Areas of focus:

  • SR140 fax client

  • Local IP Address on the Gateway

  • Gateway Fax Media

  • Gateway Fax Error Correction Mode

  • Gateway TDM Ports

  • Gateway Routing


SR140 Fax Client Software:

1)      Change the gateway IP address to that of the Vega Gateway:

Brooktrout Configuration Tool > IP Call Control Modules > SIP > IP Parameters > Primary Gateway:

2)      T.38 Versions:

Brooktrout Configuration Tool > IP Call Control Modules > SIP > T.38 Parameters > Maximum T.38 Version:  Set to either version 0 or 1.

3)      Disable V.34:

V.34 is not supported on the Vega 400GF in T.38 mode and, while the Vega will not fail fax calls originating from end points enabled for V.34, it is advised to disable it on the SR140: Brooktrout Configuration Tool > BTCall Parameters > Advanced Settings, and set all three parameters that have to do with V.34 to ‘Disable’ when using T.38.

Please Note: The Vega does support V.34 modulations in G.711 Fax Pass-through mode, therefore this configuration is only advised for T.38 fax:




The DMG2000 supports only static IP addresses:


On the Vega 400GF, the IP address type is by default set to DHCP, therefore when the unit is connected to a network that has a DHCP server, the Vega picks an IP address.  This IP address can be discovered either via the serial connection (a serial cable ships with the Vega package), or by using the free VS_Scanner utility. However, once the IP address is discovered and system accessed via web configuration GUI, the IP address can be allowed to remain dynamic, or changed to Static by going to the Expert Config > LAN/WAN page, and removing the checkmark on DHCP. This page also enables the user select allowed Ethernet types, for example 10TBaseT, 100BaseT, and 1000BaseT:




On the DMG2000, T.38 or G.711 pass-through fax is enabled in the Configuration > VoIP > Media > Fax > Fax IP-Transport Mode parameter:



On the Vega 400GF, enabling fax is a three-step procedure, which is typically as follow:

Step 1: SIP > Miscellaneous menu – highlighted settings would work as the default DMG2000 settings:


Step 2: Create a Media Capability Set - Media > Media Capability Set: In most cases there would not be a need to modify the Media Capability list. However, the Media Capability Set is created by selecting from the list, for example, for T.38 fax:

-          Click ‘Add’ under Media Capability Set table, or ‘Modify’ to customize an existing set.

-          Set a name for the set, and be sure to select VoiceAndData as Profile Mode.

-          Capability indexes should include an ALaw or Mulaw codec  AND a T38 codec, for example 2 and 5 in the following example for g711Alaw64k and t38udp:


After change is submitted, it is listed here as Capability Set 2:


To create a G.711 pass-through capability set, the media capability and profile mode would be as in Capability Set 3 in the above screen shot - a G.711 codec and a profile mode of DataOnly.


Step 3: Set the Media Control / Packet Profile:

Click on the Media Control Profiles link, to view or change Packet Profile is use:


Media Control Profiles expands, showing, in this example, that profile #1 is in use: 


Expand Packet Profiles, and then the specific profile number selected in Media Control Profiles, in this case #1. Set Echo Canceller, Adaptive Playout Mode, and Fax Transmit Level to the values shown in this screen shot: 


Step 4: Return to the SIP menu – SIP > SIP Profile:


In this step, the Media Capability Set that was created in Step 2 is associated with the profile:



DMG2000: Error Correction Mode (ECM) is enabled by default: Configuration > DSP Settings T.38 Fax Advanced Settings > Allow T.38 ECM Faxes.:


VEGA 400GF: Error Correction Mode is supported but is disabled by default in the current firmware.  To enable it, the CLI Command interface must be used:

-          In the Advanced menu > CLI Command box, type and submit show _advanced.t38.

-          A unit that is still with the default configuration should return this result, indicating ECM is disabled:


-          To enable ECM, enter set _advanced.t38.allow_ecm=1, and result is returned immediately:


Use ‘show’ to confirm further:





DMG2000: Config > TDM T1/E1:





This is configured via the E1/T1 menu, and is quite intuitive. The ‘Crossover’ setting, which is not available on the DMG 2000 can be quite helpful as far cabling is concerned.  It enables the use of either a crossover or straight-through cable.


Preferred audio codec for the TDM port can be selected from the E1/T1 > Advanced E1/T1 Port Configuration table: 


Viewing TDM Port Status:



Status > Summary page:




From the Status > Interfaces page, click the Show button:




This is the configuration known on the DMG2000 as Routing Table. On the Vega 400GF, it is called the Dial Plan:






The Dial Plan menu is grouped into Profiles, Planner Groups, Call Presentation, and five others.  However, a basic working fax system requires that at least Profiles be configured dial plan.  A basic dial plan configuration is presented here, but a more elaborate example requires a good understanding of the Dial Plan configuration in the .


Initial Dial Plan screen may look similar to this:v


At least one profile is required for each direction in order to successfully route calls:

Inbound TDM to SIP:

  • Click the Add button to create A TDM-to-SIP profile, or click Modify to modify and existing one.

  • Enter a name for it, for example, ‘TO_SIP’.

  • The prefix ‘IF:’ is used in identifying an IP or TDM interface.  TDM interfaces 0401, 0402, 0403, and 0404, while those of IP start numbering at 9901.

  • In the ‘Source’ box, enter ‘IF:0401’, to route calls coming in on the first TDM port.

  • In the Destination box, three items will be entered – for example ‘IF:9901, TA:,TEL:234’:

    • IF:9901 – send calls out through the first IP interface;

    • TA: – IP address of fax server (VoIP hosts in DMG2000);

    • TEL: 234 – SIP URI.

    • Click the Submit button, Apply Changes, and then Save.


Outbound SIP to TDM:

  • Click the Add button to create a SIP-to-TDM profile, or use the Modify button to change an existing one.

  • In the below example:

    • IF:9901 – Route calls coming in on the first SIP interface, 9901;

    • TEL:<.*> - Any URI;

    • IF:0401 – Send the calls on the first TDM interface, 0401; 

    • TEL:<1> - Make call to received Called Party Number.

    • Click Submit, Apply Changes, and then Save.