Vega Gateways - Vega Audio Diagnostics
Vega Gateways - Vega Audio Diagnostics
1. Add these diagnostics to the command line:
2. Make a call which has audio issues (i.e. echo, one way audio) and capture a wireshark trace of the call.
Diagnostics will show if the echo canceller is enabled and the wireshark trace can be used to generate media streams in both directions. This will provide some idea of how large an echo delay is.
3. While the call is in progress type the following in command line:
This will show a list of active DSPs - the idea here is to find the DSP channel that is in use, example output:
so in this case channel "00" is in use.
Then use the above channel number in this command:
this should generate an output similar to:
4. Capture the logs, type following in command line
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