Known Issues
Defaults to primary location, location awareness coming in future release.
Does not highlight numbers separated by spaces, only by dashes/hyphens.
When the hard phone goes off hook, it does not display the number you are dialing.
Clicking on 'About Click to Dial' URL, a new tab opens and embeds C2D.
1800 xxx xxx, 1300 xxx xxxx or +64-9-xxx-xxxx number formats in Australia and New Zealand
Number formats in AU do not get properly dialed or added with prepends while dialing.
"The following add-ons have not been verified for use in Firefox..." error on Firefox versions 43 & 44. For the time being Click to Dial will not function on these Firefox versions. We are working to address the matter ASAP. In the interim, if you wish to make use of Click to Dial, please use Firefox version 42 or older, or use a different browser.
"The add-on could not be downloaded because of a connection failure on..." error on Firefox or failure to install on IE. Your antivirus or Internet security may be silently blocking the add-on from downloading (this has been observed with Avast! as recently as 2014-Dec-31).